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Aileil was scorching hot.

Byleth had to swipe the sweat from her brow multiple times, stumbling on and on throughout the heat. She knew that it was necessary to travel here in order to avoid fighting Edelgard's army, but that didn't mean she had to be happy about it.

On the bright side, she would get to meet Judith. Claude had talked highly about her, and she was looking forward to meeting one of his trusted friends.


Was it really a good idea to confront him about something he'd been trying to hide?

"Claude! Soldiers were spotted up ahead," A scout trotted towards the Alliance Leader. "They look like House Rowe. They seem to be waiting for us, as if they knew we would be coming!"

"Well, that's just lovely," Claude sighed, an annoyed look on his face. He gripped Failnaught in his hands tighter, molding into the scheming, conniving tactician that most people generalized him as. "We'll have no choice but to fight them. Everyone, prepare for battle!"

It didn't take long for everyone to be ready. Everyone already had their weapons on them; they all just needed to rearrange themselves in the proper formation. Taking her place alongside Claude, Byleth unsheathed her Sword of the Creator tensely. Everyone else was slightly behind the two.

They were counting on Claude and Byleth.

A couple of enemy soldiers had charged foolishly straight towards them. Arming Failnaught, Claude aimed precisely, striking two soldiers in the knees. They both fell to the ground as Byleth jumped forward, slicing her sword through the both of them and sending them crashing down to the ground. Claude grimaced in disapproval of her actions.

"I wasn't aiming to kill them," Claude explained with a heavy heart. "We only need to injure them. Once we kill the commander, I'm sure they'll back off. This isn't like Edelgard's army."

"Sorry," Byleth muttered. She wasn't completely used to sparing enemies, but if it made Claude happy, she'd do it. Scanning the area above, Byleth suddenly felt dread fill her body. While Byleth didn't mind killing people she didn't know, Byleth had never had to kill someone she actually knew beforehand. "Oh, no. Claude.."

"What?" Claude questioned, following her gaze. She was looking at a boy with long gray hair and bright green eyes. He looked much more put together compared to scraggly like they'd last seen him. "...Teach...that's Ashe, isn't it...?"


"We can't kill him," Claude responded, immediately alarmed as Byleth readied her own sword in determination. "Teach! What are you doing!?"

"He's against us," Byleth said grimly. She didn't want to harm him, but she had to put her Deer before anyone else. "This is war, Claude. We have to fight."

"There has got to be a way to stop this madness," Claude shook his head as Ashe neared them. This act surprised Byleth- she knew he wasn't a big fan of bloodlust and violence, but she hadn't expected him to go out of his way to try and spare extra lives. "He didn't seem to recognize the either of them...yet. "Ashe!"

The boy looked up, his bright eyes startled at the sound of his name. Upon seeing Byleth and Claude, Ashe immediately gulped.

"P-Professor, Claude..."

"Why are you fighting us?" Claude demanded, confused at Ashe's circumstances. "Why wouldn't you join us and fight against the Adrestian Empire?"

"...The Church of Seiros killed Lonato," Ashe said solemnly. "I need to take my revenge for him."

"Oh, Ashe..." Claude hesitated. He didn't want to mention that technically, Claude himself had slain Lonato. Sure, he had been under orders from the Church of Seiros, but Claude still had done the deed. "...Fighting us won't solve anything."

"You're allied with the Church," Ashe disagreed, a firm look in his eyes. "As long as you're with them, I have to fight you. I'm sorry, Professor, Claude...I didn't want this to happen, but I have no other choice!"

Ashe held his bow up to them, extremely determined. He quickly fired a shot, whizzing right by Claude's face. Claude held his ground, holding Failnaught out to block Ashe's next attack.

"Ashe, we don't want to hurt you. We can talk this out, I'm sure," Claude attempted to continue reasoning with the silvery haired boy. "Put down your weapon. This doesn't have to end badly for you or me."

"I'm sorry, but Lonato was right. The Church of Seiros is corrupt, and you guys are just as bad!"

Ashe shot another arrow, and while Claude easily dodged the lightning fast arrow, it pierced through Claude's cape. It remained embedded in the golden cloth, and Byleth felt her eyes narrow as Ashe prepared himself to launch another attack. The safety of Claude was being compromised, and Byleth couldn't afford to risk anything. As much as she wanted to avoid hurting anyone she knew from the monastery, Claude always came first. A burning rage filled her chest as Byleth held her sword decisively.

I have no other choice.

Byleth felt herself rush forwards, towards Claude  Ashe. She thrust her sword forwards, wincing as it pierced through Ashe's stomach. He choked, holding the blade with a look of disbelief on his face.

"ASHE!" Claude exclaimed, horrified as the boy's legs began to give out underneath him. "Teach, you killed him!"


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