A Suspicious Old Friend

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Claude didn't understand it. How could this have happened? Everything had been going so smoothly; from the capturing of officials to daring speeches, everything had been working well. They'd managed to keep Nader's home guarded at all times.

So how was it that when he returned to his cave, where he usually put the wyverns so that they stayed out of sight, everything had been taken? From his sleeping stuff to the logs from the fire; everything that hadn't been on him was gone.

It wasn't that big of a deal, but it annoyed Claude. Someone had found their hideout, and was obviously planning to attack them. Claude quickly hightailed it out of there, swooping back to Nader's domicile. Claude wondered; if those thieves had been quicker, maybe he would have actually been taken off guard. Maybe he would have been outsmarted for once...

Claude fidgeted with the silvery ring on his finger as him and Skye landed. At least nothing of importance had been taken. He still had his Failnaught, his Sword of Begalta, and most importantly, his wedding ring.


What would that be like? Would she be wearing an elegant ivory dress, decked in fancy lace and hemming? Or would it be simple and plain? Claude didn't really care as long as they were getting married. It was long overdue, but it wasn't right to marry during times of strife..

Speaking of marriage, Claude didn't really want to think about preparations and everything. Claude had never really wanted to get married in a church (well, he never really thought he'd be married in the first place) but that just wasn't really his thing. He pictured the sunset, the beautiful colors of the sky stretched onward. He imagined waiting for his Teach by a body of water, or the hills of Almyra. Not some horrible stuffy church, where nobles would watch them parade inside. No, Claude wanted the after party to be bathed in stars, and-

This was really an inappropriate time to be thinking such a thing.

How was he thinking of marriage when he was trying to lead a country? Claude knew exactly why; his Teach had captured his heart. Even if he knew he had to be here, he couldn't stop thinking about her.

He hoped she felt the same.

Claude landed back at Nader's residence, settling his wyvern down in the back garden. Claude disembarked Skye with a pat on her head, casually walking into the guarded house. The soldiers raised their hands in a salute as he passed.

Upon reaching Nader's commonplace, Claude raised his brow when his eyes fell upon his comrade speaking with a woman with long, wavy blonde hair. It was tied into a high ponytail, and she was tanned. She twirled a small hand axe in her hands, her silvery armor protecting her body.

"Ah, Claude!" Nader greeted, waving him over. The woman grinned, raising her hand in a small gesture. "I don't believe you've met this little lady here. This is Nadia."

"Pleased to meet you," Nadia grinned widely, but there was something in her eyes that Claude didn't particularly like. He wasn't sure if he was just being paranoid, but it was the same look he'd housed when he was trying to hide something. "I hear your name is Claude von Riegan, correct? The hero of Fódlan?"

"If that's what you want to call me," Claude shrugged, plastering his own tense smile. "I must say, I've never heard of you before."

"Nadia is an old friend," Nader explained cheerfully, not noticing the hostility between the two. "She was actually one of the king's highest generals, but she defected once she heard I was fighting for you."

"Well, long live the king," Nadia said mirthlessly, holding her axe by it's handle. Her silvery blade was sharp and rigged. "But I've always said he's nuts for following the likes of Basir or Amélie. He's always been a mess since the Queen died.."

"Yes, he was never quite the same, but I think anyone would be if they lost someone close to them."

"What about you?" Nadia questioned, her smile never leaving her face. She puffed out her chest slightly, running her finger across her axe handle. "If you lost your girl from Fódlan, would you bring Almyra into chaos? Can we trust you, or are you the same as your father? Weak and agreeable?"

"Nadia, I think that's enough," Nader finally intervened before Claude could respond. It took a lot to anger Claude, but when his Teach's safety was concerned, there was nothing holding him back. "Haven't you already seen that Claude is different? You have to have faith in our new future."

"I suppose," Nadia relented, strapping her small hand axe to her belt. "My apologies, your Highness. But I'll need to see your greatness before I trust anyone, even if it's coming from the great Nader."

"No worries. What kind of king would I be if I didn't listen to my opposition?" Claude chuckled, even though he was still suspicious of the female. "Feel free to inspect me. I promise I'll make Almyra proud."

She grinned wider, sending a sinister chill down Claude's spine.

"I hope so."

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