The Immaculate One

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"I must insist on coming along with you."

Byleth tightened her grip on the Sword of the Creator, annoyed. Rhea had been no help lately; she had spent the whole month resting, and refused to speak. Now she wanted to come with them to Shambhala? No way.

"Rhea, this is a dangerous mission," Claude tried to reason with the Archbishop, who stood in all of her ornate garments. "You are still in bad form."

"This is true," Rhea agreed solemnly, but she glanced over to Byleth. "But I'm aware that I owe you two some...information."

"Yes, you do," Byleth nodded crossly, ignoring the looks she got from both Claude and Seteth. She kept her tone calm so that her students didn't panic as to why Byleth sounded hostile. "We'll protect you, Rhea. All we're asking for is answers."

"I know...and I believe you have the right to know. Now, let us be off," Rhea responded, a distant look on her face. Seteth looked helplessly at her.

"Rhea, you are in terrible form!" Seteth protested. "I cannot allow-"

"I must go," Rhea shook her head, a far-away look in her eyes. "Now, let us go."

"...Okay," Claude agreed, looking to Byleth. "The troops are waiting. Let's go!"

Now, they stood at Shambhala. Everyone was marveling at the architecture of the of the building, and were heading further on ahead. But Byleth noticed Rhea's grim expression, and so she waited.

"...Is something...on your mind?" Byleth forced herself to try and keep a positive demeanor around the Archbishop. Even though her words may have seemed forced, she didn't seem to notice.

"...Once this battle is over...I will tell you all I know..." Rhea shut her eyes in quiet acceptance. "Those who slither in the dark must be defeated. If my suspicion is correct..."

"Then what?" Byleth was getting tired of waiting for her to just answer the question. Still, she bit her lip until it bled so that Rhea couldn't see the scorn on her face.

"Then the one that they wish to kill you."

Great. A death threat.

That's nothing new, is it?

"...I can take care of myself," Byleth responded nonchalantly. Why are you so interested in me...? She prayed the battle would end quicker. "Don't worry about me. Focus on staying alive. We need you, Rhea."

"Tell me, Professor. What do you think about the Church of Seiros...?"

Byleth and Rhea were practicing magic incantations. She glanced up at the serene Archbishop, still concentrating her hands in front of her.

"I guess I'm just confused," Byleth shrugged. "It's a lot of information to deal with."

"Yes, I am sure this must be overwhelming," Rhea said comfortingly. "But I assure you, Professor, we are doing our best to help you adjust."

"Thank you," Byleth nodded, and Rhea smiled pleasantly.

"You're welcome. I get rather lonely as an Archbishop...I suppose I should not be mentioning this, but I am glad to finally have a friend."

Byleth smiled. She herself had found many friends within her Golden Deer, most notably, Claude. She was glad to make someone else's day, just how everyone had helped her.

"I'm happy to be your friend as well."

The Archbishop sighed, and Byleth was drawn out of her thoughts. A twinge of regret flowed through her, but Byleth forced it down. She needed answers; it didn't matter that they were friends. Rhea was a liar! There was no way Byleth was going to just pardon her. Rhea spoke, a tired look on her face.

"...I know."


Thales fell to the ground, an agonized look on his face as Lysithea's magic tore him to shreds. Still, a grin appeared on his face as a circle of magic surrounded him.

"You will never...get to enjoy your victory..."

He placed his hand on the ground, and purple runes encircled him.

"It can't be..." Rhea whispered, a panicked expression in her normally sedate eyes.

"For all Agarthans...Let there be light!"

Byleth whipped her sword at him, but it was too late. A javelin of light dropped, and the rocks crumbling protected him from her blade. Immediately, everyone ran backwards to avoid the rocks falling.

Claude ran to her, taking her hand tightly. She could tell he was trying to formulate a plan. Rhea stepped forward, a wistful look on her face. Byleth furrowed her brow in confusion and subconscious worry.

"Get back, are you crazy!?" Byleth shouted, fear taking over. She didn't realize it, but she didn't want Rhea to perish. Despite all of the words of hateful words she had said, and the wounds promised upon the Archbishop, Byleth didn't mean any of it. After all, she had known her as a friend...
But Rhea just remained, closing her eyes.

"Be safe, dear child..."

Rhea suddenly began running up the crumbling pieces of Shambhala, and Byleth inadvertently reached out for the Archbishop helplessly. Rhea almost appeared to be floating as she made her way upwards towards the javelin of light.

Rhea leapt into the sky, a bright flash of green light appearing where she was. As the light faded, a large dragon appeared with powerful wings and ivory skin. Rhea shot a fireball from her jaws, incinerating one of the javelins of light.

"What-?! Rhea is...a dragon?" Claude exclaimed in disbelief, and Byleth could only find herself nodding in agreement. The dragon had sharp teeth and fire as fearsome as an inferno.

Another javelin of light zoomed downwards, and Rhea flapped her wings fearsomely. The gust from her powerful wings made the javelin evaporate easily. She shot another fireball at the javelin in front of them. As it exploded, Byleth gasped.

She could see blood leaking from Rhea's skin, green blood oozing as she screamed in pain. The sky went white as javelins of light continued to rain around them. Claude held their cape over them as if it would do anything, and she shut her eyes as she leaned into his hold.

The walls were crumbling around them. Byleth swore loudly, but as the mist cleared, they were safe.

A clearly defined border circled them from where Rhea had protected them. Even through all of the hate Byleth had felt, part of her was grateful towards the Archbishop, her former friend and trusted adult.

Even if she was still crazy.

Thales had been crushed. Byleth sneered at his dead body. She then shifted her attention sideways...The Archbishop was lying still on the ground.

Byleth rushed towards Rhea, an alarmed look on her own face. Byleth knelt down to her, cradling the bruised woman in her arms. There was blood running down her wounds, and Rhea stared blankly at the sky. As she caught sight of Byleth, her expression became one of her relief, and her eyes slowly shut as she drifted off into slumber.

No, please don't be dead...

I can't lose another person.

I can't lose another friend.

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