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"Ah, you must be the professor I've heard all about. I'm Judith of House Daphnel, but I'm sure you already knew that."

The battle at Aileil had finally concluded after a long harsh battle, and Byleth finally had the pleasure of meeting Claude's friend Judith. As much as they had tried to avoid bloodshed, the commander with gray hair that tried to kill Judith had ended up dead. Most of the other soldiers had been spared, but were injured or complaining. However, a couple were grateful towards their more pacifistic ways.

Byleth hoped that Claude's dream of peace would come to fruition.

Claude cleared his throat, glancing over to Byleth expectantly, and Byleth snapped out of her thoughts. She gave them a small smile, embarrassed.

"Hi Judith," Byleth said awkwardly, and Claude laughed at her shyness. He affectionately wrapped his arm around her shoulders, squeezing her tightly towards him.

He doesn't even seem troubled. I don't understand how he can put up such a good act...

Wait. Judith probably knows more information about him, too. Maybe I could ask her?

"My, aren't you two cozy. Hey, boy, I thought I told you not to grow up," Judith frowned, placing her hands on her hips. "You're making me feel old."

"I thought I told you not to call me that," Claude sighed, an annoyed look on his face from hearing his 'nickname'. "I needed to grow up. It led me to Teach."

"Ah, so you're the one helping him reach his goals," Judith analyzed her carefully and critically, making Byleth feel scrutinized. She bit her lip, and Claude rubbed her shoulder comfortingly. Finally, a smile broke onto Judith's face. "You're a beast in a fight."

"Thank you," Byleth nodded, feeling a sense of pride and relief in her chest. She knew she'd always been good at fighting, and the recognition always inspired her. On the other hand, she was glad that Judith actually accepted her. "Thank you for taking care of Claude while I was...inactive."

"Someone had to," Judith laughed, her eyes crinkling at the edges. "I'm glad you're here, though. He wouldn't shut up about you. You really make up his whole world. Although, I didn't really know that you guys were...together."

"Uh, 'he' can hear everything you're saying," Claude rolled his eyes, a slight blush forming on his cheeks. "Sorry, you know I like to keep things secretive."

"You wouldn't even trust me?"

"I wouldn't even trust myself in that time being."

Byleth wondered just how true that statement was.

"Well, no harm done I suppose," Judith sighed. "I'm just glad you found someone, boy."

"Would you please stop-"

"Oh, by the way, all my troops deserve a break," Judith interjected, cutting him off with a smile. "They fought long and hard today."

"Gah...Alright," Claude shook his head as Judith walked away. Byleth's eyes followed Judith; she knew she needed to talk to her. "Well? What'd you think?"

"She's incredible," Byleth praised, delighted as a grin grew on his face. She was really interested in talking to Judith one on one to learn more about what had happened to Claude. "Hey, Claude? I need to go plan some battle strategies. I'll meet you later for the celebration, okay?"

"Already?" Claude frowned. "We just finished, I'm sure we could wait for that. Why don't you come with me?"

"No!" Byleth exclaimed, and then tried to cover up her mistake. "Ok, well, honestly, I'm tired. I don't want you to stop celebrating because of me..."

"Oh, Teach, why didn't you just say that? I don't mind sleeping early-"

"This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you," Byleth pleaded, shooting him a puppy dog she'd look. "Claude, go and have fun. Don't let me stop you from being a buzzkill. It would make me a lot happier than if you stayed here."

"Are you sure?" Claude questioned, concern in his eyes. If Byleth was right, she thought she could see a hint of that familiar fear mixed in within his emotions. Was he afraid to take his eyes off of her...? "I really would feel better if I came back with you."

"Well, it would make me happy if you went to have fun," Byleth smiled, ignoring the heavy feeling in her chest. She needed to go talk to Judith even more now. She poked him in the chest, giggling slightly. "Please?"

"Alright, alright," Claude sighed, still looking regretful and fearful. She gently pulled him closer, kissing him slowly before pulling away. He smiled weakly at her, but now she could see his fear thinly veiled behind his mask. "Have a good night, Teach. I love you."

"I love you too," Byleth whispered, smiling at him softly before walking away. She kept a straight pace until she was out of his sight, and then sprinted to meet Judith.

I love you, so I need to help save you.

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