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hey everyone! yes i'm back to flood your inbox gahaha. anyway, this is...exactly what the title says. i'm bored! i need something to write (besides not this time). i'm thinking about literally stopping my other stories and just becoming a full out fire emblem writer hahah.

anyway! vote and pick what you like to see! you can pick multiple things if you want or express interests in other ideas :)

note: as much as i love yuri, i simply cannot write one about him. why? he's bi which is unacceptable because CLAUDE SHOULD HAVE BEEN BI, and two he doesn't have a house (besides ashen wolves) so i'd have to either make a new storyline or go with one of the other houses which is... meh.

so sorry.

1) modern au Claudeleth, in which a sickly woman has only a limited time to try and fix her strange, unknown condition. may or may not include barista hilda, drunk bartender leonie, and a handsome, musical claude.

2) dimileth, Blue Lions route. more emphasis on the war phase with only a couple chapters on academy. note that some moments may be weird because claude is always the first love. expect lots of angst.

3) Claudeleth, in the fire emblem heroes world. imagine lots of chaos, fluff, and a showdown between claude and my former husband xander.

uhhh that's all i could think of rn lol but if you think of more comment them, and if i like them, i'll add them! so vote and let me know what y'all want. :)


bonus chapter ideas? i have a couple but i'd like to see what y'all like!


if we get to 30K... i may or may not be considering singing edge of dawn and posting here. would you guys be interested in hearing a cover? i feel like i should do something special if it happens lol

thanks for taking time out of your day! i love seeing comments and votes whenever i log into wattpad it literally makes my day🥺

love you all, stay safe during quarantine, and, as always, thanks for reading!

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