Even Now?

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"I can't believe they don't hate me."

Claude and Nader had landed at a desolate cave, one that was obscure and far away enough from the main city that no one would be able to find them easily. After all, it wasn't as if Nader could head back to his old home so easily. Not now, after everyone had seen him associated with Claude von Riegan.

"What do you mean you can't believe that?" Nader questioned, running his hand over the scar on his face. Claude shrugged as he started to make a fire for the two of them.

"Well, I was sent away for half my life, I'm half Fódlan, I'm the son of the hated king..." Claude raised his brow pointedly. "Oh, and I'm known for the work I did to help Fódlan. Do I need to go on?"

"Well, you forget that my Almyran forces helped you out," Nader reminded him. "Some of them were personally enlisted under me, and had no choice...but some did volunteer. Sure, they were useless with a weapon...but they wouldn't take no for an answer. Honestly, the people love you Claude."

"The people only loved me in Fódlan because I was associated with Teach. They don't care for what I have to say."

"That's not true at all," Nader frowned, crossing his buff arms in disparity. "The crowd after your speeches clapped for you. The army after your morale speech cheered for you. The common people love you for advocating for peace, and other nations will love you for inviting them in."

"That's not what I see," Claude disagreed, thinking of all the times his achievements had been negated because of his outsider status. "The nobles-"

"Oh, I see," Nader interrupted with a knowing expression. He shook his head. "Claude, who cares about the nobles at all!? They've all got a foot stuck up their bum. You're better than them; they're just mad you're doing what they never could."

"...I'm just being realistic," Claude said simply. "Even here, where we don't even have nobles, they hate me for my affiliation with Fódlan."

"That's because those are all the people who are benefitting from Almyra's rampant wars," Nader responded grimly. "Listen. I like battle. I love battling. But killing innocent people? I'm not a fan. Those other people are the people who get rich quick from killing, and discrimination, and prejudice. But most people...? They're just trying to get by. They need you."

"...Ahah!" Claude exclaimed as the fire started beneath him, and he quickly tried to change the subject as the flames grew. "Got it. It's hot enough around here, but...Well, I'm not exactly fond of sitting here in the dark."

"...Right," Nader shot him a worried look, but Claude pretended he hadn't seen a thing. Knowing that Claude wouldn't talk any longer, Nader decided to joke around and try to lighten the mood a bit. "Well, we could go outside and stargaze under the romantic moonlight."

Claude shot him a dirty look, not appreciating the joke. It reminded him far too much of his Teach; stargazing with her had been one of his favorite pastimes. Nader grimaced regretfully.

"Sorry, pal. Maybe we should just sit here in silence instead."

"No, you can talk," Claude chuckled upon seeing the buff and reckless man look so sheepish and guilty. "Sorry I'm a buzzkill."

"You have every right to be," Nader reminded him. "Don't apologize."

"Yeah," Claude settled down on his back, staring at the ceiling blankly. He wondered what his Teach was doing...

Soon enough, he slipped off to sleep. Nader chuckled at his peaceful features, heading off to sleep himself.

I'm back.

Claude immediately began to fly towards Fódlan, soaring off into the sunrise. Claude knew if he hurried, they might be able to make it there within the day. He flew faster than ever; Skye seemed to sense his urgency.

Finally, they made it back to Fódlan; more specifically, the monastery. Claude's eyes watered at the sight, and Skye swooped toward his Teach's quarters. He leaped off of the wyvern, hastily knocking upon her door.

The door slowly opened, and Claude felt his throat dry at the sight.

His Teach was dressed in the same white dress she'd worn previously, and she looked so beautiful. Her hair fell down her shoulders, and she had a surprised look on her face.

Claude lunged forward, enveloping her in a tight kiss. He lost his hands in her minty tresses, embracing her passionately. To his dismay, she slowly pulled away.

"You...you've been gone too long," She said softly, pushing him away gently. She glanced away, and Claude glanced into the room. To his shock and surprise, Edelgard lay asleep underneath the covers. "I'm sorry.."

Claude awoke from his nightmare with a start.

He sat straight up, his eyes wide. He knew his Teach never would do anything of the sort. He knew Edelgard was long dead, and that his Teach had never cared for her like that.

But since he didn't have her with him...his nightmares and worst fears continued to surface.

He forgot how nightmares had always plagued his thoughts without her. Nader was snoring loudly, and Claude ran a hand through his hair in disarray.

The sun was beginning to rise. Claude figured there was no point in sleeping; he"d only end up in distress again. He began to get ready for the days events.

I hope Teach is doing better in Fódlan.

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