The Future of Fódlan

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Claude awoke to the sound of rain pattering outside.

Nader and him had stayed inside yesterday, too. It was partly because of hiding out, and partially because of the weather. They needed to lay low for another day in hopes that security would be a little more relaxed. Maybe the soldiers would think it was a fluke. Plus, the wyverns weren't particularly fond of flying in a deluge, and Claude didn't want to make Skye fly in the horrid weather.

But it didn't matter how much it rained or poured was time to give yet another speech.

The common people were rallied behind him. At least, he hoped. They seemed pretty agreeable back in Almyra; he figured he might have to fight his way against the others.

Today would be a speech of recruitment. Most Almyrans could fight, it was part of the culture there. If Claude could successfully recruit most of the civilians, then he'd have a rather large army. 

Of course, if he failed, then that just added to the many people up against him...

That was why today was so important. Claude was beginning to lose track of the days that passed. But he'd be able to start doing something now that enough time had gone.

Even though it was raining, it was still unbearably hot. Claude chuckled; his Teach probably wouldn't have even noticed the heat. She had never been fazed by the warmth; well, except for that one time in the Valley of Torment. But Aileil was hotter than anything in the world, no one was immune to that.

His Teach probably would like Almyra, now that he thought about it. Fighting was a big part of their culture, and that had always been something his Teach had loved. She didn't mind heat, and she didn't judge him whatsoever. If they didn't have Fódlan to look after, Claude would suggest that they live in Almyra.

Uh, speaking of which...where were they supposed to live? Were they supposed to switch kingdoms every now and then? Was he supposed to just completely conjoin the two kingdoms together? No, that wasn't where would they live?

Claude sighed. It didn't really matter to him, to be completely honest. As long as he had her, he didn't care. He was sure that the people inside both countries would uproar, though. He did want his Teach to see Almyra, but he didn't want to completely abandon Fódlan like that...

Ruling two kingdoms at once was going to be difficult.

Claude didn't even want to imagine the paperwork that lay in wait for him.

Managing two kingdoms? The thought seemed impossible. The nobles in Fódlan would riot, the bloodthirsty warriors in Almyra would grow furious. Claude put his head between his hands in frustration. What was the solution?

Maybe...was disbanding nobility such a bad notion?

Obviously, he needed to quell the bloodlust in Almyra. Maybe making everyone equal in Fódlan wasnt such a bad idea. But then how would anyone be able to earn their keep? Based on their ability to perform? He could remove the ability of privilege and make it so that you had to earn what was right..?

No one would ever agree to that, ever. But to Claude, it didn't seem like such a bad choice. Nobility had only ever brought him grief. It was the stupid nobles that made him feel inferior, the nobles that created a world where people felt envy. What if he could remove all of that?

Then again, once the truth came out, maybe the nobility would fall apart on its own. After all, nobles prided themselves on their crests and fancy names. Once it was revealed that those people had done horrible, selfish things, the nobles would no most likely feel shame and stigma.

At least, he hoped. Claude was sure that Teach was awaiting his arrival to reveal the news; he hoped she would wait. Then he could help her, and alleviate some of the stress. Hopefully he'd make it beck before Rhea succumbed to her illness...He wondered how the rest of the Deer were doing in an attempt to dissuade his mind from his Teach.

It was almost as if those five years were repeating themselves...but this time, he didn't have to worry about trying to find her. She was waiting his return. His swift return.

"Nader," Claude said softly, practically unheard over the sound of his friend's snoring. "Nader, wake up. We've got to go."

The lightning struck, thunder booming loudly outside. Claude leaned onto his back with a huff.

This weather was holding him up...They'd probably have to delay the speech.

No. People will come.

"Nader, we have to go," Claude said with conviction in his voice. "Come on. Wake up."

People will show, and I'll recruit them. It doesn't matter that it's pouring rain; they want freedom.

"Time to go."

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