The King's Return

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Byleth braced herself for impact as the general swung his axe toward her unexpectedly. She tensed up, preparing to feel pain as he sliced his blade toward her.

Instead, a blur of pearly white and gold swooped in front of her, crashing into the soldier and sending him flying. Byleth felt a smile beginning to form on her face as the ivory wyvern flipped, perfectly fine as it's rider fired arrows at the general.

"Claude," Byleth uttered softly, a look of awe on her face. He winked with a grin, raising his hand as a welcoming greeting. Byleth waved back up at him, feeling resolve and excitement flood her veins once again.

He was back.

Two wyverns trailed behind Claude, swooping down with their silvery axes to cut all of those who slithered in the dark. One of those riders was Nader- the other was a tanned female with long, blonde hair that Byleth didn't recognize. Whoever she was, she was clearly experienced as she cut down multiple soldiers.

"Professor, duck!" Hilda shouted, and Byleth immediately obeyed the command. She crouched downward, and a hand axe sailed over her head into someone's skull. Byleth smiled in thanks, swinging her sword precisely. It pierced through a soldier's chest easily. "Professor, get off the battlefield! We can handle everything now!"

"I know you can," Byleth responded trustingly, sheathing her large weapon by her side. She pointed forward, a determined look on her face. "Fight on!"

Byleth retreated slightly backward, letting her Golden Deer pick up her slack. Ignatz fired arrows from above the castle walls easily, while Catherine's Thunderbrand tore through flesh effortlessly.

Claude's arrows fired into a crowd of soldiers, accurately pinpointing everyone's neck in one single shot. His Failnaught glowed red as he shot from above, a fiery red arrow shooting through the sky and burning anyone who was hit. Nader's axe sunk into a soldier easily while the woman took down multiple people with her own slices. The three experienced and energetic warriors of Almyra were easily shredding the remaining people.

Soon enough, the last soldier had been slain, the rebellion quelled. Lives had been lost, but the battle had been won thanks to Claude and his companions.

Speaking of Claude, where was he-?


Claude's wyvern soared above her head, and he jumped off. He rolled, landing on the ground without a scratch. Byleth felt her lips draw into an uncontrollable smile, and she found herself stumbling to reach him.

She ran toward him, as did he. Byleth couldn't stop the tears of absolute joy from rolling down her cheeks. Upon reaching him, she grabbed his cravat, pulling him into a warm kiss. She could feel his lips against hers, working to ignite a passion inside of her. She felt weak in his arms, desperately holding onto him as her legs threatened to give out under her.

"I-I missed you so much," Byleth choked out between kisses and sobs as she buried her hands in his chocolatey brown hair. Seeing his emerald eyes gazing at her gently combined with his easygoing smile...Byleth thought she might faint. This was what she'd been waiting for... "I'm so glad.."

"You don't know how much I missed you," Claude whispered against her, pulling away slightly in order to hug her tightly instead. His embrace filled her with pleasant warmth. "Ah, Teach.."

"My're back. You're finally back.."

"I am...and I'm not leaving, ever again," Claude promised, and his hands slowly moved to her stomach. He looked at her, concerned. "How are you feeling?"

"Oh, I'm fine," Byleth laughed softly as he placed his hands over her belly. He looked up at her with an amazed look. "Claude, I-"

"...I'm so excited!" Claude exclaimed, bringing her into another hug. "Everything's going to be wonderful...the kingdoms will be united, I'm going to have a child...and I have you, Teach. What more could I ask for?"

"I don't know. This all seems so perfect...but I'm glad you're back," Byleth breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, she wouldn't have to be alone in those stuffy meetings with the nobles. Finally, someone who actually knew what they were doing could rule Fódlan! Of course, Byleth would help, but now she didn't have to be alone. "I don't think I could have kept Fódlan going any longer by myself."

"You seemed to be doing fine to me, Teach," Claude promised, clasping her hands in his tightly. "But I'm glad to be back too. I love you so much..."

Byleth smiled.

"I love you too, Claude. I'm glad you're back."

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