Long Overdue

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Claude's favorite part of his daily schedule was waking up with his Teach.

As he woke up with his arms around her, Claude couldn't help but smile. He slowly opened his eyes, taking in the sweet aroma of her, Claude enjoyed the simplicity of the moment. How even the smallest things could grant him more joy than anything else.


This won't be the reality anymore. Once the war is over, you have to give this all up.

Claude frowned, instinctively pulling her closer to him. He didn't want to lose her. He was tempted to give up everything he'd ever wanted; his dreams, his future, just for her, but...he knew he couldn't do that. The people of Almyra needed him.

Doesn't she need you too?

Claude grimaced. This was all he'd been working for his entire life; to end the prejudices that had affected him so no one else would have to deal with it. To break the isolation every nation felt, and to embrace a world where foreigners were celebrated.

He couldn't give that up.

Not even for his Teach.

Claude would love to be happy. Damn, after five years of hell, he deserved to be happy! But...for the good of the people...

He knew what he had to do, but...why was life so unfair...?

His Teach began to stir in his arms, and she let out a quiet yawn. Slowly, she opened her eyes, and Claude held her closer to him in response. She turned around to face him, her doe eyes wide and and sleepy.

"Good...morning," She greeted, snuggling closer to him. She reached upwards so that she could caress his face. "How long...have you been up?"

"Not long," Claude responded, chuckling as her dainty fingers lightly tickled his cheeks. "Hey, that tickles."

"Wait. You're...Ticklish?" A smirk slowly grew over his Teach's features, and an expression of horror fell over Claude's face. He began to shift slightly, uncomfortable.

"Uh, no. Really, no-"

Claude tried to dive out of the way as she outstretched her hands to tickle him, but he got caught in the blankets. She began to tickle him, forcing a laugh as he squirmed in her arms.

"Gah, Teach-haha!" Claude couldn't stop himself from writhing, desperately trying to escape the feathery feeling of her fingertips. "Stop! Truce, truce!"

"Truce? For what?" She teased, and the sensation of her touch sent a pleasant shiver down his spine.

"How about-a kiss?" Claude offered, out of breath from his endless laughter. He leaned forward to plant a soft kiss on her lips, and she ceased her ticking in order to pull him closer.

He groaned out as she sucked on his bottom lip, embracing her closer to him as they kissed. Claude's hand snuck to the hem of her shirt when a loud knock on the door interrupted them.

Claude let out a heavy groan of annoyance, managing to pull himself out of the sheets with difficulty. His Teach helped to pull him free from the confining sheets, and Claude stood to open the door.

"Yes?" Claude opened the door with a cocked brow and disheveled hair. It was Raphael, who stood with multiple boxes piled on top of each other.

"Sorry if this is a bad time," Raphael grinned innocently, balancing the boxes with a bit of effort. "Could ya help me again, Claude? I gotta hand these to the armory."

"Yeah, no problem," Claude sighed, turning to his Teach, who was still wrapped in the sheets. "Sorry, Teach. I'll be back."

Claude stepped out of the doorway, and Raphael's eyes widened.

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