Dear Teach

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"Excuse me, Archbishop?"

Byleth looked up from where she was in the audience chamber. She wore the long white gown and the heavy crown again, but with her Golden Deer standing next to her, it wasn't as bad.

"Yes?" Byleth asked, holding her hand out to silence a noble protesting the opening of the borders. The messenger held out a piece of paper.

"Someone asked this to be delivered to you."

Byleth gingerly took the scroll, unrolling it slowly. Everyone watched her as she read the paper carefully.

Dear Teach...

Claude..? Byleth wondered how he had managed to send a letter to her. She felt the corners of her mouth rise in happiness upon hearing from her beloved.

I hope everything has been going well for you. I'm sorry I'm not there; I hope the nobles aren't being too annoying. You let me know if they are, and I'll smack them once I'm back. Speaking of nobles, what do you think about abolishing the nobility system? It would end a lot of the prejudice around the world. Just a thought.

Ending the crest and nobility system? Well, Byleth wasn't opposed to that, and she was sure that no one really would be. There were a lot more common folk than nobles; if the Queen declared this as a rule, no one could do anything about it.

I miss you.

Sothis, Byleth missed him too.

I don't really know how long it's been-

Exactly eight days.

-But every day that passes, I think of you. It's hard to sleep without you. I forgot how difficult that was... I'll be back soon. You're probably staying stronger than I am. I've always admired that about you. But I hope that you miss me just as much as I miss you..

Byleth missed him so much. She found it sweet that he thought she was holding up better than him, but she was struggling just as much (if not more) than he was.

I hope the Golden Deer haven't been causing you too much trouble. Lorenz should help you with managing any paperwork if you need it. Feel free to slap me when I come back, Teach.

No, Claude. Never.

I probably deserve it. I know I've apologized, but I'll still always feel guilty. I hope you still know how much I love you. Remember, time can't tear us apart. Nothing can.

How did Claude go five years without her, again? Byleth couldn't even do eight days!

I'll be attacking one of the higher ups in two days.  He's known for killing all opposition, and for killing anyone against him. Can't say I'll be sad to see him imprisoned. The people all follow me. I wasn't expecting such a warm welcome...

Byleth grinned to herself. She had told him the same thing, but he hadn't listened. He was so insistent that his own achievements weren't his.

I should probably wrap this up. Stay strong, my love. I'm always thinking of you. I promise I'll be back soon.



Byleth smiled again, completely unaware of all the attention on her. It was only when Hilda cleared her throat and placed a hand on her shoulder that Byleth snapped back to reality.

"Sorry," Byleth immediately apologized and rolled up the scroll. She stood up straighter, hoping that she looked refined. "My people, your king has given us a letter."

"Our king?"

"Claude von Riegan," Byleth reminded everyone, a giddy smile growing on her lips just from uttering his name. "He'll be back soon. Give it a couple of weeks, and he'll return. He has some very big aspirations for this nation."

"Excuse me, Archbishop...may I ask what
you think?" Someone asked respectfully, a nervous look on the noble's face. "I don't mean any disrespect, I just would like to know what you have planned for this nation..."

"No worries," Byleth told the noble. "I would like..." What would I like? I don't even know. "...I would like for peace. To open these borders and-"

"Aren't those His Majesty's aspirations? How about yours?"

"Oh, mine?" Byleth feinted confusion, scrambling in her brain to try and think of something. She didn't know, she really didn't!

Byleth, stop freaking out! Someone screeched inside of her head. Think about that letter.

The letter..


"I know that this might sound extremely crazy," Byleth began her sentiment, folding her hands in front of her. "But I would like to put an end to the nobility system."

Immediately, enraged and confused nobles began to interrupt her, a surprised look on their faces. Byleth held out her hand to stop their muttering. Much to her shock, they actually listened.

"Hear me out," Byleth said, biting her lip. What would Claude say? "It's not as if we would liquidate everything you have. But this way, everyone would be able to have the same privileges. There will be no more system of looking down upon commoners; we will only see each other as people. Everyone will be able to work for the same opportunities."

"But the commoners...well, who would be able to protect them?" Lorenz questioned. "Nobles are put in place in order to help those who are struggling."

"Royals will assist anyone who needs help financially," Byleth nodded, hoping that this was what Claude would have said. "While not required, those with more money would be encouraged to help others out of good will."

"May I just ask...why?" A noble shrugged. "The crest system, the nobility...why change all of this?"

"Oh...right," Byleth forgot that no one knew about the true history of Fódlan. She gave a small smile, sighing inwardly because she knew what had to happen next. "...In truth, Claude and I have found out some very important information."

"Which is?" A noble asked, and everyone's attention was intently on her. Byleth swallowed, keeping a brave face.

"All will be explained," Byleth reassured everyone. "But not just to you all. The true history of Fódlan will be revealed for all in Fódlan to see. Spread the news; in two days, I will expose what I have learned. Understood?"

"Yes, my Queen," They all agreed simultaneously, and Byleth held her anxiety inside. They were counting on her; but how would they react to the truth of Fódlan's dark history..?

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