Battle of the Eagle and Deer

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"The next battle will take place at none other than Gronder field."

"Gronder?" Hilda gasped, a hand flying over her mouth involuntarily. Tonight, Claude would inform the rest of the troops about the plans, and Byleth intended on following him. "There's no other place...?"

"No. It just makes sense," Claude sighed, running a hand through his dark hair. Byleth had noticed him performing that nervous habit far more than ever before. "It's a perfect battlefield. We'll intercept Edelgard's forces there with all we have. After that will be Enbarr.."

"It wasn't enough that the Battle of the Eagle and Lion was already there?" Lysithea snarked, an upset look on her face. "Really brings back the old days, when things were...well, happy."

"Maybe in history they'll call this the Battle of the Eagle and Deer now," Claude joked, his natural response to a stressful situation. His effort earned him a couple of extremely weak and stressed smiles. "But seriously. We're going to have to prepare."

"Prepare for battle, or prepare to face people we know?" Dorothea muttered. She was still unconsolable about Ferdinand's pointless death, even though Byleth had comforted her multiple times. Dorothea just always thought she could do more. "Who will we face next? How could Edelgard ever do this? No cause is worth this much bloodshed..."

"To her it is," Byleth thought dimly of how Edelgard had vainly tried to recruit her at every passing moment. "Excuse me for a moment."

Byleth quickly rushed out of the room before anyone could stop her. She didn't want to have to think about fighting Edelgard, or how many people she had killed. Murder hadn't seemed like a big deal until Claude had chided her about remaining peaceful, or until she had to kill Ferdinand. Now, she was starting to understand that people were lost forever. Their dreams, their goals, their future was completely shattered into a million pieces.

How many people had she killed mindlessly? She hadn't even realized the consequences of her actions, she hadn't thought that she'd ever have to fight people she knew and had once liked....

She kept running until she made it to the greenhouse. Luckily, no one was in there except for the growing flowers. She sighed, sinking to her knees as she tried to settle herself.


For some reason, Byleth was surprised Claude had followed her. She thought that he'd be too busy explaining their plans to come down, but she didn't know that he had almost immediately darted after her, leaving the Deer after a quick apology. Byleth sniffled, leaning against the greenhouse walls.

"I'm okay," Byleth reassured him, flashing him a smile. Claude didn't look convinced in the slightest. "It was just...a little too much to handle, that's all."

"...What if we could have saved them?" Claude sighed quietly. He knew that the only person he could voice his concerns with was her. If he tried to tell anyone else, no one would have faith in him. Unfortunately, being a good leader meant showing confidence at all times. "None of these death had to happen. I don't want to kill anyone, but indirectly, I've caused so much death. All my plans have led to it, it's my fault..."

"...You have to do it," Byleth reminded him. In a way, reassuring him was helping her realize the gravity of their situation. Her revelation that killing was indecent was something Claude had to live with his whole life. The best way she could help herself was by helping him. "We have to do it. Claude, I've always been...numb to killing. It was never a problem for me. Recently, that's changed because of your pacifist ways and...Ferdinand."

"I'm sorry," Claude apologized automatically, although his tone wasn't exactly sincere. Byleth shook her head from side to side.

"No, I'm glad that I see the problems with killing because of you," Byleth was quick to obstruct his insecurities. "Now I know how hard it is. Regardless, we have to push on. Just know...That we'll be here for each other. No matter what happens..."

"I know you'll always stay with me. It's just that..." Claude sighed again, running his right hand through his hair once more. Byleth quickly reached out, stopping him and intertwining her fingers with his. "Well, even though you'll be with me...People will still die. The only thing I can do is wonder why Edelgard would do this. She's stupid for not telling us! How are we supposed to accept her if she doesn't tell us? I...hate her..We're always left in the dark..."

"Aren't we always?" Byleth rolled her eyes at the verity of her statement. "We're going to get to the bottom of this. When we do, we'll make sure to honor all of these people who died fighting Edelgard's pointless war. Regardless of what side they're on, or if we knew them, we will honor them."

"I guess you're right," Claude muttered. "Hey, Teach...Do you think Edelgard would tell you about her reasons for starting the war? She did love you and all..."

"...No," Byleth responded truthfully. "If she won't tell anyone, then I doubt she'd tell me since we're on opposing sides. But I suppose it's worth a shot."

"Are you...ready to face her?" He asked cautiously. Despite his hate, he didn't want to kill her by any means. Claude had never wanted anyone to die before, even though he thought Edelgard was foolish and stupid. However, her downfall would almost certainly mean the war would end...That being said, his Teach was much closer to Edelgard than he ever was.

"No," Byleth replied, a regretful look on her face. War had certainly humanized Byleth quite a bit. Even though she was furious at Edelgard for starting this war, for killing Dimitri, for causing so much death...she still didn't want to kill her. Neither of them wanted to end her. Byleth still remembered their little talks, and the good side of the Emperor. "But what choice do I have?"

"I'm sorry for putting you in this situation," Claude grimaced. "This whole situation is just awful..."

"It has to be done..."


"C-Could we just sit here?" Byleth interrupted him. She didn't want to talk anymore because she knew she'd end up crying. He nodded, sitting down next to her and wrapping his arms around her. She leaned into his chest, burying her face in his scent. "Thank you..."

"No problem, Teach," He hesitated, but then continued on. "One last thing, though. I need you to stay stalwart...If you don't, then I'll falter when it comes time to kill her. I'm sorry to ask you to do it since you knew her better than I ever did, but...I just can't..."

Byleth cut him off with a quick nod, the lump in her throat growing. She knew he had trouble with killing, and she would suck it up if it meant he didn't have to face any more troubles. She swallowed, forcing it down as she tried to rationalize her actions that would have to occur.

"I know. I'll be okay after today."

Well enough to kill Edelgard?

I have to be.

I have to be willing to kill her.

are the battle scenes/stuff that happen in the story too boring? i noticed the reads kinda dropped so that sucks, but hey thanks for sticking if you did

also 3K!!!!! <3 love y'all.

who is ready for gronder... :\ and then a sub plot that's not in the story! can u guess what it is...?

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