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Claude was terrified of his Teach's response.

Does she actually want to get married someday?

Not that Claude was complaining in any way, shape, or form. But proposing in the middle of a war...? It just seemed wrong on so many levels.

It wasn't about not being able to be committed to her. He was extremely committed to her, and she knew that. But marrying while they were in a war...? It just seemed like an accident waiting to happen. Nothing good ever followed a happy incident.


She hesitated, blinking quickly as she processed his question. Claude fought the urge to shut his eyes; he knew he wouldn't be able to open them again if he tricked himself into a moment of repose. His Teach furrowed her brow in complete confusion as she responded to what he said.


"When...When we were in the cathedral about one or two weeks ago," Claude explained nervously, looking everywhere in the room except for at her. "You said to Sylvain...that..."

"Oh, right," His Teach nodded in an understanding way. Then she sighed and pressed her forehead into his chest. "...Claude, of course I want to get married!"

"Teach..." Claude didn't want to break the bad news to her whatsoever. However, she looked up at him with a shameful look on her face before blurting out what was on her mind.

"Just...just not right now," She finished her sentence quietly. However, unlike she expected, Claude sighed a breath of relief and hugged her closer to him.

"Ah, Teach...I feel the same," Claude laid his chin atop her head, and she snuggled into his embrace. "War is no place to have a marriage reception. I just...I wanted to make sure you knew that."

"Of course I know that, do you think I'm crazy?" She asked, twisting in his arms, and Claude smiled as he inhaled the sweet fragrances of her long tresses. Everything about his Teach drove him crazy. "Can you imagine? We just plop down, announce our marriage, and shirk off from our duties? You're already busy enough, I don't need you planning a wedding on top of that."

"That's true," He laughed, guiding her over to the bed so they could sit down. "I'm glad we're on the same page. I was worried that you'd feel hurt..."

"Claude, we're in a war," His Teach replied softly as she moved her arms above his shoulders. She looked up to him lovingly, enjoying their moment together. "It wouldn't be fair for me to be upset. Although I'll tell you that I'm happy you're finally free..."

"Like I said, I cleared up some free time," Claude grinned. After all, he would be departing soon. He needed to spend as much time with his Teach as possible... "Well, more like I told Hilda and Seteth to take care of it."

"How'd you do that? Did you have to bribe them both?"

"Actually, no. They both agreed pretty quickly," Claude chuckled. "I think they took one look at me and decided that I needed a break."

"Well, that's because you do need a break," His Teach scolded him, and Claude knew he had invited a whole new lecture upon himself. "You look exhausted, my love."

"I'm okay-"

"Those shadows under your eyes don't scream 'okay' by any means," His Teach pointed out, pulling herself out of his arms. She propped herself up over him imposingly. "You, are going to sleep. Right now."

"Gah, Teach, I swear I'm fine," Claude rolled his eyes as she stared him down. "I cleared up this time to spend it with you. I can sleep later, I can't do this later!"

Oh, no. Had he given away too much? Claude tensed ever so slightly, but his Teach hadn't caught upon his small slight of words. She merely looked at him with concern.

"I appreciate that," She said softly, lowering herself so that she laid side by side with him. Neither of them were under the golden and disheveled covers. "But I need you to be functioning properly first. Otherwise, I'll just feel guilty. As long as I'm here with you, that's good enough for me."

"You know, I'm not sure I really agree with that-"

"Sleep!" She ordered, pulling the covers free from under him. She lifted them over them both, snuggling closer to him. She wrapped her arms around him, and Claude's eyes widened.

"Huh. I'm normally not the one whose being cuddled," Claude admitted, and she brought her body closer to his own.

"Well, that's just no good," His Teach sighed behind him, burrowing her chin onto his shoulder. "That's going to change from now on. Now, sleep."

"Teach, I-"

"You need rest," She said crossly, and Claude shivered in delight as she ran her hand down his shoulder. "Sleep, my love."

"Fine," Claude relented, so that he didn't have to argue with her anymore. He wasn't going to lie, he was absolutely exhausted, not that he needed someone to tell him that. "Goodnight, Teach."

"Goodnight, Claude..."

With his Teach's arms around him, providing him with a comforting environment, Claude couldn't help it.

He was out as soon as he shut his eyes.

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