Trust Me

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"Claude, we need to talk."

The Alliance leader grimaced at his Teach's tone. She sounded like she meant business, and that normally meant he was in trouble. She stood there awkwardly for a moment before finally blurting our what she had to say.

"I'm so, so, so sorry."

"...What?" Claude frowned, confused by her despondence. He had absolutely no idea what she was apologizing for. He cocked a brow upwards, demanding an explanation. His Teach swallowed nervously.

"Well,, I...I broke our promise," She said quietly, and Claude froze entirely.

Why...Why was she bringing that up?

He tried to force a smile on his face, but the damage was already done. She had already seen his mask slip. His Teach faltered, looking downwards as Claude just stood there.

He had been trying so long to forgive and forget...Hearing her finally acknowledge those five years filled him with dread. He didn't respond to her, he only brought his gaze to the ground and fidgeted.

"We're going to make it out of this fight together," Byleth reassured him, clutching his hand tighter. The fear in his eyes still didn't go away, so she laid her palm on his cheek with her other hand gently. "I promise."

"I...I know that," Claude nodded, looking at her with a loving expression on his face. Just the sight of him filled Byleth with joy. "You're my Teach. We'll fight together."

"...You couldn't help it, Teach," Claude sighed slowly, avoiding her gaze. Just say what I've been saying for the five years that you were gone... "We're in the middle of a war. You were just trying to win."

"But I told you I wouldn't leave," She whispered guiltily. Claude could feel his throat drying up, but he tried to ignore it. Stop bringing it up, I've managed to forgive you..! "We'd just...confessed... and then I go and run off, leaving everyone to think I'd died. Claude, I made you suffer."

"It's war. Things like this happen," Claude told her shortly. I don't want to be angry. She was sleeping. She couldn't control it. "I'm not the only one who lost someone they loved. It's not fair to be mad at you."


"Teach, just stop!" Claude interrupted her, finally gazing back up to her. He didn't want to hear about it. He didn't want an apology for something that had already come to pass. His emerald green eyes stared at her carefully and cautiously, but he never made eye contact with her. "There is no use thinking about our past mistakes."

"...But there is. I made a promise, and I broke it."


"Claude...I love you," She looked like she was on the verge of tears. "I love you so much. But... I think I might be causing more problems for you-"

"W-What!? NO! Teach, don't you dare say that," Claude's gaze snapped to her eyes intently, a desperate and shocked expression on his sharp features. I spent five years waiting for you. No one else is as important to me as you are. I cannot lose you, I can't... "I've never trusted anyone until I met you."

"But I broke your trust by breaking the promise. Claude, people tell me that they called you crazy. You suffered so much because of me!"

Those lonely five years..


Poor boy...

She's never coming back...

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