Just A Little Poison

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"My apologies, Claude, but Rhea is still sleeping. I cannot allow you to pass into her room."

Claude sighed in frustration as Seteth guarded Rhea's room. However, even though Seteth was Rhea's closest confidant, he also looked weary and tired of the secrets. Apparently, the Archbishop was keeping things from him as well.

"The people deserve to know the true history of Fódlan," Claude twirled the arrow between his fingertips expertly and nervously. "They are sick of being lied to. It's only a matter of time until they head into the monastery themselves, demanding answers."

"I'm aware."

"Even the nobles just want an audience with her, seeking her approval on Fódlan's new future," Claude's eyes flickered from his arrow to Seteth, who remained with an expression of stone. "Do you know when she will be well?"

"Not quite," Seteth frowned. "I am sorry, Claude. I truly have no way of knowing."

"Well, thank you anyway," Claude turned away disappointedly. He began to wander the monastery, unsure of where to go. He knew he should probably head to the meeting hall, where he knew people awaited his company, but damn! Wasn't there something he could do to find out more about Fódlan?

"Hey, Claude!" Someone called out, and Claude looked behind himself to see his Teach waving excitedly. She had some sort of flask in her hands, and he felt his eyes widen. He patted down his belt, and sure enough, the flask was gone from his waistband. "You dropped this."

"Ah, Teach! Thanks," Claude grabbed the container gratefully, pocketing it this time. "You didn't try any of it, did you?"


"Good. It's just some... poison," Claude explained, and his Teach looked at him, alarmed. He chuckled at her bewildered expression.

"Just some poison!?" She exclaimed, placing her hands on her hips. Lectured? His Teach stuck her bottom lip out slightly as she looked at him glaringly. "Claude, you're lucky I picked this up and not someone else. What if they tried it!?"

"Sorry, Teach. I didn't think I'd ever lose it."

"You could have seriously injured someone," She reminded him, pointing towards him accusingly. "Be more careful, Claude!"

"I will, Teach..." Claude sighed, and then he hid a smirk behind his hand. His Teach may be mad at him now, but he knew just the thing to get her off of his back. "You know how I was working on that stomach poison five years ago? Well...Now I've developed it quite a bit."

"Oh? How so?" His Teach was still glaring at him sternly, but she couldn't resist her curiosity. She never was able to stay mad at him forever, and he knew she couldn't resist his endless questions.

"Anyone who drinks this will instantly begin to choke and foam at the mouth," Claude said casually, enjoying the little gasp of surprise he elicited from her lips. He temporarily found himself distracted as her stared at her mouth, dreaming about the way she had kissed him with so much fervor and passion, how she had - Dammit Claude, remain focused! "They'll die within the minute. I've perfected it...but only as a last resort."

"Claude, that's...actually incredible," She praised, but then she realized her mistake and quickly tried to scold him again. "But you should still be more cautious! The poison is meant for our enemies, not us."

"Okay, Teach. Sorry."

"...But really, how did you plan to use this? It's not like we can just walk up someone's drink and pour it in..."

"Times were getting desperate when you were gone," Claude shrugged nonchalantly. It still wasn't easy to talk about those five years, but Claude no longer avoided the topic like the plague. His Teach wasn't leaving again...and that's all he needed to know. "I had my spies within the Adrestian Empire, of course. I was all prepared to do what I had to."

"...Huh. You mean the war could have ended just like that?"

"Well, probably not," Claude responded wistfully. "The Empire would be outraged if their Emperor went down. They would definitely come after the Leicester Alliance, as I would be the primary suspect. I thought about doing it..but really, there was no point. After all, if Edelgard died with no explanation, another war would just start. There would be no point."

"Ah...So then, what was the real point in making this?" His Teach frowned, crossing her arms. "If things can't be solved that easily...why even bother trying?"

"Well, ideally...I was going to try and evolve this into a gas," Claude admitted guiltily. She didn't show any sign of surprise or anger at hearing this, but Claude was angry at himself for even thinking of using it. "But it's too immoral. I couldn't."

"We sure could have used it against those who slither in the dark," She muttered, and Claude nodded in agreement. While he preferred peace, those rules didn't extend to those who slithered in the dark. They were just...the worst. "...We're leaving for Shambhala in a couple of days."

"...I know," Claude glanced away for a brief moment, sighing. It's ending too soon. Is that bad of me to say..? "...Teach, can we just...can we just take a walk? You and I?"

"Of course."

She clasped his hand as they began to walk around the monastery. Claude clung to her, knowing that that his time with her was incredibly limited. He took a deep breath, just enjoying the sound of her voice.

Shambhala is next...but why can't I have more time...? I'd do anything to spend more time with you, Teach...

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