Poll #2

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hey guys! it's me ... again. lol.

FIRST THINGS FIRST dimitri fic is out (called atrocity) modern au has been out (race against time) and fe heroes fic is out (oh, deer). sorry for the announcement, wasn't sure if i had said it or not.

ANYWAY so during this quarantine i've been doing a lot of writing recently (as you all can tell) and i've been wondering just what else y'all are interested in? i'm not trying to dig myself into further holes (i've already got my hands full tbh) but the world of fe is so vast, and while amazing, not perfect. there are things i'd want to change, events redone...

with that being said...

i want to write something original within fe3h

that doesn't make sense but ... yeah. i'm kinda unhappy with what has happened in ...pretty much every route tbh (don't get me wrong! fe3h is a fantastic game. but everything has its issues. even my own writing).

sOooooooo what if i were to ... bedazzle it up a little bit




so here's a couple of ideas. why am i doing this? idk. but i find myself riled up every time i talk about my bby claude because i feel he was done injustice with his lack of character development (which i did change a bit in this book, but not the point).

1) MAJOR changes to the plot of verdant wind. i always found it strange how claude was not the shady one... so what if here, he was? no more flame emperor, always found it weird in VW how they were building up rhea shadiness and then BOOM HERES A WAR. so no flame emperor. where do i go from there? i don't know. is there still a time skip? i don't know! but all i know is that the edelgard in this fic will not be stupid enough to work with TWSITD (like...ur reasoning makes no sense dude. TWSITD killed ur family not rhea) i'd be interested to write this if y'all would like? i'd have to actually think about it but i'd be excited for that

2) claude taking the flame emperor role? i saw this done as a fic where they swapped and i was actually unhappy with how it turned out because it was basically just the same thing because they turned edelgard into some damsel in distress and gave claude edelgard's characteristics. i could think more into this cause i think it's an interesting concept, but i don't know if it would b interesting to read.

3) screw three houses plot entirely, pretend that claude never left almyra ! (ok this might b too hard/not something i'm super interested in but just throwing things out there)

4) ...child claude? xd (we get child dimi and el...)

5) i just stop because i have too much on my plate (but i don't want to stop lol)

please vote ^_^ lemme know

see ya round thanks for reading!

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