The News

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It was the third day that Byleth had woken up and felt awful.

No. This was it. It was over, Byleth couldn't stand it anymore. Byleth had woken up feeling badly yesterday too, but refused to go back to the infirmary. She'd simply carried on with her day, performing her Archbishop duties. But not today. Not when she felt like she was going to tip over.

Finally, Sothis huffed contently. Byleth could almost picture her face with 'I told you so, you stubborn fool' written all over it. Byleth rolled her eyes, standing and making her way over to the infirmary.

"Professor Manuela," Byleth called out once she made it to the infirmary. The urge to vomit grew stronger again, and she clutched at her mouth.

Manuela was no dummy. She quickly fetched a bucket, holding Byleth's hair back as she threw up once again. After sluggishly wiping her mouth, Byleth was lead into a soft, comfortable bed.

"So you said you've been tired lately, right?" Manuela frowned, sitting beside Byleth's bed. The infirmary had been empty recently due to the war being over, so her full attention was on the sick professor. "Tired, and you're throwing up in the mornings.."

"Yes," Byleth nodded, pulling the blankets tighter over herself. "It goes away in the afternoon, but...the mornings are awful."

A slight look of shock and suspicion built on Manuela's face, and she tapped the side of Byleth's bed with her fingers.

"Hmm," Was all that Manuela said, only making Byleth's curiosity grow. Byleth raised her brow in confusion.

"What is it?"

"Once you're feeling better, I'm going to take you to do some tests," Manuela told her gently, patting Byleth's shoulder. "Rest up, alright? I might be able to find the cause for all this."

"Okay," Byleth mumbled, since she didn't exactly have a choice besides sleeping. She closed her eyes, falling into a peaceful slumber. Manuela stood, a sly look on her face.

"Professor, if I'm right...Then I guess I'm doomed to be alone and depressed for life. Really, how is this fair?"


Byleth awoke again, this time to silence and peace. She was actually pretty grateful she wasn't being swarmed over; she hated making a big deal. Manuela was setting up some sort of equipment, muttering to herself softly.

"Professor Manuela," Byleth called out hoarsely. She cleared her throat and then tried again. "Professor.."

This time, Manuela heard her. She glanced over, a kind smile on her face.

"Hello, dear. I just finished setting this up, so I'm going to run some tests for you, alright?"

Byleth nodded. Manuela brought the equipment over, gently placing some probes on Byleth's stomach. Thankfully, Byleth didn't have to move; she just had to sit and wait for whatever Manuela was doing.

"Alright, I'm done," Manuela pealed the probes off of Byleth's skin, placing the equipment to the side of Byleth's bed. "Give me a moment to inspect these results, would you? Swing by again later today."

"Will do."

Byleth headed to the third floor after being excused from the infirmary. Seteth had given her a status report about Rhea yesterday; the former Archbishop had slipped into a unresponsive coma, much to everyone's worry.

"There you are," Seteth greeted from where he was stationed outside of Rhea's room. "I'm...I'm afraid this might be it."

Byleth frowned, entering the room swiftly. The Archbishop was laying on her bed peacefully, her hands clasped atop her stomach. Her eyes were closed, with no sign of stress on her calm face. Byleth stood by the bed, Seteth beside her solemnly.

"I'm...I'm unsure of what to do. We might lose her...."

"...No," Byleth shook her head, noting her peaceful coma. Rhea was still breathing, and she wasn't going to stop anytime soon if her theory was correct. "She's just sleeping."

"What? She has been sleeping for the past two days-"

"Seteth, you remember how I disappeared for five years?" Byleth reminded him softly, trying to calm the urgent man down. "I was sleeping. I was regaining my strength during that time. Rhea will be alright, thanks to your care. But...I think you knew that already..."

Seteth paused, turning to look at her suspiciously. She flashed him an innocent smile.

"...considering the fact that us with green hair tend to be related to the Goddess somehow."

"Professor, perhaps I should explain," Seteth sighed, running a hand through his forest green hair. "But this is one part of history that must remain hidden. For Flayn's sake..."

"Excuse me Seteth. So sorry to interrupt," Manuela strode into the room with an apologetic smile. It waned slightly as she noted Rhea's unresponsive state, and gestured for them to come out. Both Byleth and Seteth followed her out. "Professor, I have some news. I'm going to need you to come back to the infirmary."


Byleth followed Manuela back, sitting on her bed again. Manuela took a deep breath, holding up a piece of paper. It had markings on it, much to Byleth's confusion.

"Here's your test results," Manuela handed them to Byleth, fidgeting with her hands. She had a wide smile on her face, much to Byleth's extreme confusion. What was so good about being ill?

"I'm afraid I don't understand," Byleth scanned the sheet in utter confusion, furrowing her brow. "Could you explain."

"Ah...yes," Manuela nodded. A brief moment passed, and she paused once again before grinning wider.

"Professor, I believe you're pregnant."

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