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"You're still wearing it."

Claude approached his Teach with a wide smile on his face. She was in the knights hall, talking with a couple of other students until she saw him. He had only noticed it when she moved her arm, exposing the glinting metal on her wrist. She politely excused herself from her conversation, watching until they walked away. Finally, she looked at him, confused at his statement. Her brow was furrowed, her cheeks flushed slightly as she didn't understand what he was talking about.

"I'm still wearing what?"

"The bracelet!" Claude exclaimed, placing his hands behind his head casually. He watched her subconsciously trail her fingers over the charms in fascination.

"Oh, of course," His Teach smiled at him softly. Her sea green irises sparkled in the light of day as she looked up at Claude. "I never take it off now. Ever since I came back, I made sure to keep it with me at all times."

"Why's that?" Claude asked, not really expecting an actual answer. Much to his surprise, she actually had a reply for him.

"So that no matter where I go, I always have my Golden Deer with me," His Teach said simply, and she ran her thumb over the arrow charm. "You especially."

"Aw, Teach..." Claude's grin softened at her words. He remained silent for a moment as they stood in the middle of the room. He took her wrist in his hand delicately, sliding his thumb across the bracelet gently. "...So, do you want to know the reason there's a key on my charm?"

"Yes," She replied immediately, an eager look on her face. He couldn't help but chuckle at her impatient reaction. "I've been waiting forever, and you know that!"

"I couldn't help but keep a few more secrets," Claude laughed, a lazy smile on his face. She waited patiently, knowing that he was purposely pausing in order to tease her longer. "Well, for one, it's because I want to be the key to opening Fódlan's throat," He stooped again, tilting his head slightly in amusement as she pouted. "Another reason is because you're the key to all my plans."

"Claude," She whined playfully, narrowing her eyes at the reminder of their fight. "Hurry up and tell me."

"Okay, okay..." Claude chuckled, running his fingers over the silver and gold bracelet once again. He was actually really proud of Hilda for putting in so much effort for once. "The key is on there because you've opened my walls up. I'm not used to trusting anyone, but now...because of you, I can trust someone. I can love someone."

"Oh...Wow," His Teach said softly, her irises widening at his response. She placed her hand over his slowly. "You know...It's the same for you. I hadn't felt anything until I met you..."

"We're just perfect for each other, aren't we?" Claude grinned as she intertwined their fingers together calmly. "Teach...I love you for all that you've done for me. For making me trust someone, for allowing me to love someone..."

"I love you too," She whispered, and the sounds around them seemed to slowly disappear. Claude couldn't help himself; he held her hands tightly and leaned in to kiss her.

Immediately, he felt as if he had been awoken again as their lips touched. Claude couldn't get enough of her, and from the way she kissed, he could tell she felt the same. As Claude reveled in her presence, her touch, her smell, he felt a jolt of electricity shoot down his spine.

I think I could kiss you all day...

Unfortunately, time continued to move on. After a brief moment longer, his Teach pulled away, a euphoric smile on her face. He lazily grinned back as she subconsciously licked her lips.

"You two are just adorable," Judith approached them with a look of mischief held on her expression. Immediately, his Teach looked over and blushed, making Judith shake her head in amusement. "Don't stop because of me. I'm just enjoying watching the boy grow up."

"How many times..." Claude groaned, disgruntled by her ignoring his request. "Listen-"

"No, you listen," Judith interrupted him with a twinkling glint in her brown irises. "Everyone is watching you two like a damn show. Just here to warn the both of you...You might want to find a more private place, unless you like being watched for some reason."

"Are we that distracting?" His Teach covered her face with her hands in embarrassment. Judith nodded, and the room around them hollered a loud 'yes'.

"Don't worry Professor!" Hilda called out, an innocent look in her eyes. She was leaning over the table as she watched the two in earnest. Claude was suddenly glad the other Deer were not there to watch. "I've been waiting forever for this to happen, you've got to let me celebrate!"

"Yeah, plus, ya'll are cute together!" A soldier piped up, an amused look on his face. When the others looked at him, he rolled his eyes. "Am I wrong?"

"Um, I..uh... think I'm going to leave now," Her face turned red behind her hands, and Claude chuckled. "Goodbye, I'll uh...see you later!"

"See ya around, Teach. Oh!" Claude had almost forgotten to tell her about what he'd been planning. "Meet me by the pond tomorrow, alright? At noon."

"W-What?" His Teach tilted her head to the side slightly in confusion, but Claude had already begun to walk away. The other soldiers glanced around knowingly, excited for what would occur tomorrow. "Wait, Claude! For what!?"

He only smiled.

"You'll see! Just be patient."

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