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Eight years later

"Jeralt von Riegan, you get back here right now!"

The seven year old boy giggled as he sprinted through the monastery as fast as he could. His messy, chocolatey brown hair flew into his face as he ran from his mother.

Byleth sighed, before giving in and chasing after him with a smile. It seemed her son was just as mischievous as his father. Byleth tied her hair back into messy braids as she ran so that it wasn't in her face.

"You can't catch me!" He taunted, looking backward and laughing at his mother. Byleth grinned as she saw a shadow from above.

All of a sudden, a large, pearly white wyvern swooped down beside Jeralt, and it's rider snatched him into his arms. Claude grinned as they flew, making Jeralt laugh.

"Daddy, what did Jer do now?" His five year old daughter Magnolia questioned from atop his lap. Claude shrugged, and landed them next to Byleth gently.

"Claude von Riegan, what are you doing?" Byleth placed her hands on her hips sternly as they all dismounted the wyvern. He grinned at her sheepishly, but she refused to give in this time. "You can't just take her flying, she's five! And-"

"But daddy's cool!" Magnolia protested, patting down her braided teal hair. Much to Byleth's relief, the green hadn't been passed down. Her children would be able to live peacefully, and not have to worry about anything divine coming their way. The little girl had taken Claude's darker skin and emerald eyes. "I went flying on a wyvern, mommy! And I used a bow, and my arrows FLEW through the air! And-"

"Claude," Byleth looked at him sternly as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "What are you teaching our kids!?"

"She asked, and you know I can't say no to her puppy dog eyes!" Claude protested dramatically, and Magnolia grinned innocently as Byleth sighed. She herself knew just how convincing those green eyes could be...

"One of them could be hurt. They don't need to know how to wield a weapon, Claude."

"You know they'll be safe with me," Claude reminded Byleth, walking over to hold her hand tightly. "Calm down. You're worrying too much. Besides, look how happy they were!"

"Fine, fine," Byleth relented, squeezing his hand in hers. She smiled up at him, gazing into his emerald eyes lovingly. "I suppose you're right."

"Ew...mommy and daddy are being weird again," Jeralt covered his face with his fair-skinned hands. "Mags, make it stop!"

"Alright, alright," Claude chuckled, pulling away from Byleth. He picked up Magnolia, letting her tickle his beard with her small hands. "Are you guys ready to go see daddy's friends?"

"Ooh, will Aunty Hilda be there?" Magnolia questioned excitedly as she giggled at the feel of Claude's short beard. She ran one hand through his combed down hair, making some of his locks stand up in a unruly fashion.


"Let's go, let's go!" Magnolia reached out eagerly toward the Golden Deer classroom. Claude laughed. and the family began to head toward the room for the reunion.

"It's been so long since we've seen everyone," Byleth mused, holding Jeralt's hand in hers tightly. He was looking around excitedly. "I mean, sure, we've seen Hilda around and Lorenz, but everyone.."

"It's exciting, isn't it?" Claude grinned, and he opened the doors. Everyone was already inside, and everyone greeted them in happiness. "Hello, everyone!"

"Your Majesties!" Ignatz greeted first, a happy smile on his face. His hair had grown out quite a bit; it was now tied into a low ponytail. His signature glasses were still perched atop his face. "It's so nice to see you."

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