A Drag

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It had been five days since Claude had set out to Almyra.

Byleth was exhausted; the bags under her eyes had grown increasingly apparent. She found it hard to get comfortable while sleeping because she had grown so accustomed to feeling Claude's arms wrapped around her.

She didn't feel safe without him, so her Sword of the Creator was propped right up next to her bed. Hugging another pillow didn't really seem to help, but Byleth could picture it was him for a second. It was the only reason she'd been able to sleep at all.

Byleth appreciated that her Deer were trying to help. But becoming Queen and Archbishop was increasingly stressful. After her outburst two days ago, the nobles were at the very least, more respectful.

It wasn't as if it was just them, though. Byleth hadn't expected it, but apparently people were accusing Byleth of stealing the throne from Claude, the "rightful ruler". Now, Byleth didn't disagree by any measure, but she had to sooth the people.

Which meant another damn speech.

Byleth had never been any good at public speaking; not because she was scared of it, but because she simply didn't know what to say. What would make everyone cheer for her, and what would make them angry?

"I don't get it," Claude told her, a puzzled expression on his features. They were laying in bed, trapped under the covers as she expressed worry about an upcoming speech. "You teach especially well, and you talk to all of us students just fine. So why is this so difficult for you?"

"When I'm teaching, I have guidelines and a book to lead me," Byleth reminded him, smiling as his fingers lightly tickled the side of her face. "I just don't know what to say."

"Well, you have to stay positive, obviously," Claude leaned in closer to her, and Byleth's eyes lingered on his bare chest as he gently cupped her cheeks in his hands. "I think of the world I want to create. My values, my morals..."

"I didn't have any of those without you," Byleth whispered lightly, losing her voice due to their close proximity. "I still don't think I have any..."

"...Trust me Teach," He leaned in closer so that their foreheads were touching. "You have values."

Claude had kissed her passionately, and the thought of the speech had trickled away from her thoughts. Now, Byleth reveled in the moment; wishing he was beside her.


Byleth was beginning to understand what he was trying to tell her. In just that gesture, he'd been trying to convey to her that she did indeed have at least one value;


Maybe that was the key to everything. Maybe Byleth just needed to think about him when she was trying to give speeches...

She stood, knowing that she needed to go find Hilda. After all, Hilda needed to prep her up for the day in another white gown and her heavy crown. But that was when a knock resounded on the door.

Byleth answered the door, surprised to see Lysithea. While Lysithea was in her normal wear, Byleth was still indecent in her pyjamas and disheveled hair. Byleth couldn't bring herself to care.

"How may I help you, Lysithea?" Byleth stifled a yawn with her hand, trying to give her a reassuring smile. Lysithea grimaced as they sat down in her room.

"Your highness-"

"No, don't call me that," Byleth frowned. "Professor is fine. Professor is perfect, actually."

"Okay, well, Professor... I actually...have some news," Lysithea played with the ends of her skirt.

"Oh?" Selfishly, Byleth hoped it was about Claude, even though there was no way Lysithea would know anything about his current state. Lysithea glanced at Byleth before blurting it out.

"Linhardt has promised to try and find a way to remove my crests."

"What!?" Byleth exclaimed. For the first time since Claude had left, some good news had finally appeared. Claude's decision to spare Linhardt suddenly made much more sense. "That's excellent!"

"Yes, he's hard at work," Lysithea nodded, a hopeful look in her eyes. "I just...um, I came to talk to you about it because...I won't be very useful to you once my crests are removed. All I have is my magic. I'm sorry, but.."

"Don't be sorry at all!" Byleth stood to place a reassuring hand on Lysithea's shoulder. "Lysithea, the war is over. We don't need to fight anymore. Besides, what always comes first is your life. I hope Linhardt can find something."

"Yeah," Lysithea agreed. "He's a really nice guy...I think he was despairing over...over Caspar's death. He actually asked me first if he could try to remove them."

"Right..." Byleth said distractedly. Caspar...he wouldn't surrender. Not when I tried so hard... "...I'm glad he's doing something to help you."

"Me too. I just wanted to let you know that I might be useless later on though..."

"You're never useless, Lysithea," Byleth smiled encouragingly. "I promise. Just because you won't be able to nuke everyone doesn't mean you're useless."

"I guess you're right," Lysithea nodded. "...I'm always here for advice if you need it, too. I know I'm nowhere as good at listening as Hilda, but..."

"I'll talk to you if I ever need it," Byleth promised, delighted that Lysithea's face lighted up from hearing the news.

"Good," Lysithea smiled. "So, I'm going to need you to head back to sleep right now. Us Golden Deer will handle everything right now."

"Wait," Byleth frowned. "But I've got to go and take care of-"

"Nope!" Lysithea shook her head. "We're all going to cover for you today. Take a day to relax, okay?"

"...Okay," Byleth relented gratefully, smiling. Lysithea stood, beginning to leave Byleth's personal quarters.

"Take care, Professor."

Byleth headed immediately back to sleep.

Her dreams were scattered with positive thoughts of her beloved...

Day five. It's okay. I can make it...

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