I Feel Pretty

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Byleth had never really been one to pay much attention to clothes.

Her outfit had always been all black; it was the easy option. It was her favorite color, and it was simple. No one had ever complained about what she was wearing before! Well, except for Seteth when she first showed up, for being too "explicit," but Claude had never said anything against her outfit.

Still, Byleth now felt self-conscious. Why? Well, as Byleth had been walking from Claude's room to her own to work on a project, Hilda has decided to ask her a loud question.

"Professor, why do you only wear dark clothes?" Hilda shouted, a delighted look on her face as she skipped over, walking with her professor. "I bet you would look beautiful!"

"What's wrong with my outfit?"

"Er...The half sleeves are certainly strange, but I suppose it's part of your charm," Hilda shrugged, playing with her own luscious pink locks. "But really! Maybe some yellow would look nice on you?"

So, instead of working on her secret project like she was supposed to, Byleth now dug through her drawers frantically. Black, black, black, gray...why didn't she own anything with any sort of color at all? This was definitely a tragedy. She brushed her minty green hair out of her face as she looked through her simple garments.

Ah...hah! There was a faint, silky gleam of white from the very back corner of her bottom drawer. Byleth pulled it out slowly, unfolding it to reveal a dress with an open back. It was pretty, with a black waistband that had small, golden highlights adorning the sides.

"This was your mother's dress," Her father had said proudly, handing it to her with excitement in his eyes. "I...never pulled it out, but I want you to have it."

Byleth had never worn it before. Not when it felt so wrong, and not when she knew her father thought about her mother everyday. She didn't want to remind him of painful memories. Now, however...maybe she could make Claude as happy as her father had probably been when her mother had worn it.

Byleth quickly stripped off her clothes, pulling the dress on over her smooth skin. She glanced down at herself, tightening the black bow at her back. The dress came down to just above her knees, flowing outwards so that it didn't just lay taut against her skin. Byleth then looked towards the mirror, and she flinched backwards in surprise.

The dress was bright white, even against her pale skin. The black waistband highlighted her slim waist, and, upon further inspection, Byleth noticed small, golden decorations on the bottom of her skirt. She looked...pretty.

It was weird.

She was always used to her dark, brooding outfit. It was meant to show an imposing exterior. Even in parties and such, Byleth had never bothered to wear anything besides her usual outfit. Even her battle gear spoke of great importance and demanded authority.

This was just...weird.

To be pretty? Her voice echoed, confused, but Byleth bit her lip in disagreement with herself. No. To feel so...exposed.

Still, Byleth assumed that Claude would enjoy seeing her in something besides her usual gear. He'd started looking more nervous around her, holding her tighter and kissing her more often. Byleth just assumed it was because he was worried about the war ending. She hoped she could cheer him up tomorrow.

She took the dress off, laying it out on her bed to carefully. She dressed herself again, heading outside. She knew she needed to work on her secret project, but she had to ask Hilda for a favor.

Byleth knocked upon Hilda's door, waiting patiently. After a moment, the energetic girl opened the door with a smile.

"Professor! I didn't expect to see you so soon."

"Yeah, me neither," Byleth admitted, a sheepish look on her face. "I hope you're not too busy right now."

"No, no!" Hilda welcomed Byleth into her room happily. She closed the door behind them, and Hilda rushed her into a seat. "So? What's the problem? You can tell me, I'm a great secret keeper."

"...I have...something to ask of you."

"Sure!" Hilda agreed immediately, even though she had no idea what Byleth was going to say. Far cry from the slacker she used to be... What is it, Professor?"

"Well, um...Hilda, do you know how to braid?"

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