No More Door!

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"Claude said 'Be here nice and early! The Professor said 'Don't be late! Yet, neither of them are here. Hypocrites!"

After complaining about how everyone always yelled at her for being late, Hilda finally sighed. Worry was beginning to overtake her and the rest of the Deer.

"Maybe we should check their rooms," Ingrid suggested. She was one of the others (among Sylvain, herself, and Dorothea) who had come back to check on the monastery, and upon seeing Claude and Byleth, she had decided to stay.

"That's a good idea!"

Together, the Deer made their way to Claude's room.

No answer.

"Ugh, Clau—de!" Hilda was about to pull out her hair in frustration. "Anyone have any brilliant ideas?"

"Jeralt's room?"

"The dining hall!"

"The library."

"The stables, with Dorte."

"Uh, why don't we just check the Professor's room," Hilda sighed. She worriedly wrung her hands together, annoyed that they had made her take charge. "Professor, Claude! Where are you?!"

Making their way to Byleth's private quarters, Hilda knocked on the door confidently. She had a gut feeling that she knew exactly where they both were.

"Professor, Claude. you're late for this very important meeting! ...Hello? Professor?"

Hilda stamped her foot in slight irritation.

"I thought for sure they'd be here!"

"Perhaps they're incapacitated, and unable to answer. Okay, sorry. I'll fix your door after all this," Ingrid shook her head, and before any of the Deer could protest, she kicked down the door. She peered in, emerald eyes immediately going wide and she turned around to clutch at her chest in shock. She slowly backed away, her jaw to the ground.

"Ingrid? Are you alright?" Dorothea questioned affectionately. She was infatuated with the blonde, but the other girl had no interest in girls whatsoever. Ingrid just pointed behind her, a traumatized look on her face.

Curious, Dorothea took a risk and glanced inside. Whatever it was, it couldn't be that bad!

Dorothea walked in, letting out a high pitched squeal when she witnessed what had happened in the room. The two missing persons were laying in bed together, sound asleep under the covers.


"Um, what's going on in there?" Ignatz questioned, a confused look on his innocent features. Dorothea composed herself, and then laughed loudly.

"I've been waiting forever for them to get together!!"

Byleth awoke to a loud, feminine, scream. The voice sounded suspiciously like Dorothea, and Byleth immediately sat up out of worry, rubbing her eyes to try and wake herself up quicker.

Her movements woke up Claude, who opened his sparkling verdant eyes and smiled at her sleepily. He clasped her hand in his, glancing out the door, and he snickered.

"Sorry, my friend, but you...don't have a door anymore," Claude whispered in her ear, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. Byleth's eyes widened; she hadn't even noticed. The casual way he had said such a phrase worried her. What had happened? Why was the door gone? Were they being invaded?


"Oh, my dear friends! Glad to know you're awake," Hilda's voice sounded from outside. "Um, sorry about the door. That was Ingrid. T-Take your time getting ready!! W-We'll be waiting in the meeting room!"

Ah, shit.

Looks like all her little Deer were now aware of what was going on between her and Claude.

"Claude, they know."

"Well, now I get to kiss you wherever I want. Can't really complain," Claude winked with a smirk on his face. He cuddled closer to her, enjoying the warmth they shared. "Ah...I could stay here forever."

"I hate it break it to you two, but there's a very important meeting we all need to be at!" Hilda's loud voice interrupted them, impatience in her tone. "You guys can continue...flirting with each other later."

"It's weird to have her of all people yelling at us," Claude mused. "Hey, Hilda! You know we made those meetings, we can also cancel or postpone them whenever we want!"

"You all gave me so much trouble about attending this meeting, and you're going to cancel it!?" Hilda exclaimed, an annoyed look on her pretty face. "Oh, you cannot do that to me!"

"Well, as much as I would love to keep Hilda riled up, we definitely need to attend that meeting," Claude sighed reluctantly. "I wish I could just stay cuddled with you, but..."

"That's alright," Byleth pulled herself out of bed, yawning quietly. She was still dressed in her pajamas, but he was still in his normal outerwear. She had offered him her own clothes, but to no ones surprise, they didn't exactly fit. "I'm going to get teased by everyone."

"Well, they say anything about it, and you let me know," Claude laughed. "I'll come defend you. Until the very end."

Byleth smiled, reassured by his words.

"I'll be expecting you, then."

hey everyone! i'm in disney so updates might be slow (probably not because i'm obsessed with this book) but just wanted to let you all know.

thanks for reading!

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