True Almyran

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Claude had taken down three of the King's most trusted advisors.

Basir Ayad and the twins, Andre and Amélie Cantrelle, had been taken down swiftly. They had all been imprisoned, held in Nader's personal quarters. They were being watched over by a Nader's personal men.

The rebellion itself, under the flag of a Golden Deer (for his Teach, of course) was rather successful. Other barbarous higher-ups were holing themselves at home or fighting within the military. Most strong Almyrans didn't enroll; they fought whenever they felt like it. That was why the army had been so easily evaded thus far. Still, he was surprised that their hideout hasn't been found out yet. It wasn't as if Nader's residence was a secret.

Claude wore a golden hood and cloak over his clothing as Nader and him walked through the streets of Almyra. His weapons were tucked beneath his outfit discreetly. Today was a day of relaxation; well, more so, anyway. It was a day of recruitment, but, more importantly, was a day where everyone could see the future king empathizing with the common people. It was critical that everyone understood his clear position to help those less fortunate.

Still, he had to be on alert. Nader's and his wyverns were posted outside of the major city, Zayan as they toured the city. Claude was anticipating the military to come and intercept them; in fact, he was banking on that. If they were seen attacking Claude and his peaceful uprising, that would only conjure more support for Claude's campaign.

So far, Claude hadn't killed a single person. He was rather proud of that fact; no one had gone out of line. Sure, he'd hit limbs and injured people, but everyone would recover. The morale was only rising.

Claude knew, though, that people would want vengeance. They had wanted to riot for allowing Basir, Andre, and Amélie to live, but Claude propagated peace at all times. They were settled about that, but it wouldn't be so easy when it came to the king.

The king...

His fully Almyran father, Hassan Karim, was a man of few words. He was well meaning, but he was too quick to give into the demands of his friends. That was what made him such a bad king; most of his 'friends' were people who were just trying to take advantage of Almyra.

That was set to change.

Claude had never really been close to his father. After all, after his mother had passed, he'd been the one to send him off to Fódlan to live with his grandfather. That was why Claude was continuing to keep his surname as von Riegan. His mother's memory would forever be cherished in his mind. But even though Claude didn't love his father dearly, he didn't want to see him die.

Von Riegan...would Teach want to take his last name? Claude honestly had no clue, but he wouldn't blame her if she wanted to remain an Eisner. After all, it was one of the few things she had to remember about her late father, Jeralt. It would be horrible if Claude took that memory away from her. No, it would be her choice in the end.

But...the idea of her bearing his last name did indeed make him giddy. Just the thought of her in general was enough to excite him.

"You don't talk very much, do you?" Claude questioned, making sure his visage of carefreeness was still present. In truth, he was just trying to probe his new professor for answers. She shrugged.

"I'm talking to you right now, aren't I?" His Teach responded, crossing her arms. She had a very wide eyed, vacuous stare. "Talking just isn't very easy for me."

"Well, maybe we need to change that," Claude grinned mischievously. So, she was going to be a challenge? Claude was up for that anytime; he knew he'd succeed in finding out what he wanted. "Mark my words, Teach, I'm going to help you talk naturally. I promise that I'll succeed."

"I hope you do," She had replied distantly, looking out far beyond him. "I hope you do."

Looking back on it, Claude realized just how much she had probably meant that. That was way back when she had absolutely no emotion. Now, she was vibrant and full of energy.

Well, he hoped.

Claude wondered; had she slipped back into her blank slate once he'd gone? He hoped not; he wanted her to be happy in his absence. He had forgotten about her days of monotone.

No, his Teach was stronger than that.

Being emotionless was in the past for her. Just because he was gone didn't mean anything. Claude needed to remain calm and positive; if he wasn't, then he knew he'd rush back to Fódlan immediately, goals done or not.

"Claude, we've got company," Nader gestured to the group of wyvern riders in front of them. Claude dramatically flourished his hand as he removed his hood, letting everyone see his face. Some people gasped in surprise while others grinned knowingly.

"You know, I don't think my father the king would be too happy with you all killing me," Claude raised his hands in mock disappointment. "But you know, keep on defying his orders. Let's see how that goes for you..."

"You're not a true Almyran. The throne is not rightfully yours!" One of the generals in the army growled. "For the future of Almyra...we can afford to be ostracized from the king. We will ensure our reign to continue on!"

"Not if I can help it."

Claude raised his hand upward in a signaling gesture, watching as the Almyran army glanced up. In that moment, Claude and Nader immediately began to book it in the opposite direction.

By the time the army looked back over, they were gone. With a frustrated growl, the female general took to the sky to try and find the criminals.

Claude and Nader weaved through the crowd, skillfully dodging any obstacles that came between them. The army couldn't attack them, due to the fact that they were in crowded area. They would risk hurting innocent civilians.

Still, the chase continued. The Almyrans weren't going to give up just like that! Eventually, they dashed to the outskirts of the city, where their wyverns awaited. Claude took a leap, landing on his wyvern and taking to the sky.

The Almyran army followed him and Nader into the sky, and Claude smirked. He whistled loudly, pulling Failnaught from under his golden cloak.

Immediately, his troops wielding bows began to shoot at the Almyran army. They were stuck in the air, practically like sitting ducks as they tried to backtrack. Claude and Nader weaved through the falling wyverns, picking off stragglers and making sure that everyone landed safely. The army decided to retreat downwards, dismounting their wyverns.

Claude soared off into the sky as he ordered his own troops to leave. There was nothing more they could do. As his troops scattered, Claude grinned.

This would moving more smoothly than he had anticipated.

He'd be home soon.

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