Not This Time

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hey everyone! the storyline may be completed...but their journey is far from over. so, as customary...i will be continuing their life after this! would you like it in another book or just to continue on this one? It would be around 30 parts. (Please answer, idk if this book length is feeling too long.)

and, of that this is "done" book announcement!

claude x fem byleth of course...but this time, it will be taking place on edelgard's route. its called 'not this time' and is posted right now, so go check it out if you enjoyed this :)

Here's the synopsis:

"We could have been great together, Teach."

Even though Byleth had chosen to teach the Black Eagles, the Golden Deer house leader Claude von Riegan won't stop bothering her. What seems to be a simple nuisance for her soon grows into a blossoming pulled apart by the raging war that the Flame Emperor had started.

When Byleth awakens from her five year slumber, the turmoil of the world has only grown stronger. Now, her and Claude are on opposing sides. She will have to make a that will either compromise her ideals, or the emotions she longed to feel.

thank you so much for following! i hope you'll stick around with my other books. happy reading :)

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