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She had finally found him.

It had taken Byleth forever to locate the beast with raggedy blonde hair and an eyepatch, but once you found him, it was impossible for anyone to take their eyes off of him.

Gone was the kind and cautious prince- here stood a monster.

"Professor, I won't let you pass!"

Oh, great. Byleth turned to catch a glimpse of a woman with short, platinum blonde hair and purple eyes.


"Mercedes, I don't want to hurt you," Byleth said carefully. She was blocking her path to Dimitri... "We're trying to pursue an alliance with your king. Let me through."

"I can't do that," Mercedes said firmly, a determined look in her normally soft features. "His Highness has said to cut down anyone in his path. As much as I hate to do this...I just...I have to. For the good of Prince Dimitri!"

"Mercedes," Byleth shook her head. "We want to ally with the Kingdom, with Dimitri! We don't need to fight..."

"Prince Dimitri has stated that he does not want an alliance, and I must abide by his wishes. Now, Professor, don't hold back!"

Mercedes waved her hands. and a glowing circle of white appeared. A beam of light shot straight towards Byleth, and she sidestepped quickly. A frustrated look grew on Byleth's face as Mercedes continued to shoot magic at her.

"Please, Mercedes-"

A jolt of pain spasmed through her body as Mercedes blasted her. It quickly disappeared, but Byleth now steeled herself. Without any more hesitation, Byleth swung out her sword.

All it took was one slice of her sharp blade...

Mercedes cried out in pain as the Sword of the Creator dug into her ribs. Byleth remorsefully held the Blue Lions student in her arms as she died.

It had to be done.

No...I can do better than that.

Time stopped.

.taht naht retteb od nac I ...oN .wnod eb ot dah tI deid ehs sa smra reh ni tneduts snoiL eulB eht dleh yllufesromer htelyB .sbir reh otni gud rotaerC eht fo drowS eht sa niap ni tuo deirc sedecreM-

Byleth purposely pulled her blade away from Mercedes' chest, merely grazing her sleeve. Mercedes held her arm, a determined look on her face.

"Please, Mercedes," Byleth pleaded in a subdued tone. She couldn't afford to waste any more time; Dimitri was demolishing some soldiers behind them, and she was sure he'd disappear from view soon enough. "We can solve this. Once I talk with Dimitri, you'll see that we don't need to fight. Just let me discuss with him..."

"I'm sorry, Professor," Mercedes smiled weakly. "I have my orders. I cannot let anyone through, not if there is a chance that you'll attack Prince Dimitri!"

Mercedes circled her hands again, a rune of white magic piercing in Byleth's direction. For some reason, Byleth had expected her speech to work. She stumbled backwards as the magic seeped into her skin, using her glowing sword to hold herself up. Byleth winced, elongating her sword.

I have no choice.

Sorrow overflowed Byleth's chest as her Sword of the Creator whipped straight across Mercedes' stomach, leaving a huge, gaping wound. The healer cried out, collapsing to her knees as Byleth slowly pulled her sword back. It was stained crimson, red with Mercedes' blood...

"I'm sorry," Byleth whispered as Mercedes lay dying on the ground. She cleaned her sword off, guiltily leaving to go find Dimitri.

The man was carelessly ran his glowing spear through...an Alliance soldier's back, heading in the direction that Edelgard stood. Byleth froze; he was working against them?

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