Critical Fail

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No one was sure whether or not Rhea would make it out alive.

After the drama at Shambhala, Rhea had immediately been surrounded by healers and rushed back to the monastery. His Teach seemed to be in a form of shock, so Claude picked her up and began the long journey back to the monastery.

She was just laying in his arms, a blank look on her face as she stared straight ahead. Claude began to whisper soft words into her ear, hoping to calm her down and comfort her. Still, she remained stoic. Part of Claude was glad that his Teach finally understood that Rhea was still a person who, like everyone, made mistakes. The other half of him was screaming for his lively teacher to come back to him.

He was growing tired, but he ignored his fatigue. The past battle, he had been a little more vengeful than usual; he had pushed forward personally to remove all of those who slithered in the dark. Not to mention how he had strode to allow Lysithea to kill Thales. It was worth it, though. Seeing the relieved and exhausted smirk on her face had assured Claude of that.

He could sense his wyvern Skye tiring as well. He patted her reassuringly, partially annoyed that he had forced his friend to take on the weight of both him and his Teach. But he couldn't just let his Teach down like that...

They were almost to the monastery anyway. He knew she could make it, she just needed to hold on a little bit longer..

"It's alright, Teach," Claude murmured softly, running his hand through her hair. Her braids had long fallen out of her soft tresses from all of the chaos that had occurred. "We're almost back."

Finally, after what seemed like forever, they made it back to the monastery. After a brief message, Claude dismissed everyone to their own private quarters. Claude hurried to his room, politely flashing everyone he met with a reassuring smile before continuing on his way. He was sure that people had to be worried; Rhea was in critical condition, and his Teach was despondent.

He opened his door quickly, rushing over to place his Teach on the bed. She laid there, confused as Claude shut the door. He sighed, taking his boots off as he finally allowed himself to relax. He sat next to his Teach, exhausted.

"...Do you think she'll be okay?" His Teach finally spoke, her voice barely above a whisper. Yet, Claude turned to her attentively, reaching over to brush her bangs out of her face.

"Yeah, Teach," Claude nodded, even though he had absolutely no idea. "She's strong, you know that."

"...Is it bad that I feel worried about her?" She whispered, a fearful look in her eyes. "I should just want answers from her, right? I'm not supposed to care about her?"

"It's not about what you're supposed to feel," Claude reminded her gently, resting his hand on hers. She closed her eyes as he continued to speak. "It's about how you actually feel. There's nothing wrong with expressing mercy."


"I'm actually...I'm actually happy you're worried for her safety," Claude told her. "The strongest thing a person can do is forgive someone who has wronged them in every way possible. You didn't make the same mistake twice."

He didn't say her name, but they both knew she was referring to Edelgard's unwillingness to compromise. She nodded solemnly, squeezing his hand.

"I want to be angry. I still am," She said, biting her bottom lip nervously. "But I think...I think that once I find answers...I can work towards forgiveness. Like you've said this whole time. Why are you always right...?"

"I'm not always right, Teach," Claude offered her a soft and lazy smile, stripping off his golden cloak to try and get more comfortable. "But there's nothing wrong with peace. Now that the war is over, I think we should get everyone to focus on that."

"You're right," His Teach agreed quietly, motioning for him to lay next to her. He did so, pulling the covers over both of them even though neither of them were dressed in sleepwear. There was no point; they were far too tired to try and change. "I'm glad I met you. You've changed my views on everything..."

"In a good way, I hope," Claude chuckled as he snuggled up next to her. She pulled him into her arms quickly before he could.

"Of course it was," His Teach murmured, her chest pressed against his back. "...I love you, Claude."

The war is over...

It's the last day I'll have to enjoy this.

"I love you too, my Teach.."

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