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It was time. It was time to finally become the King of Almyra. Claude could achieve his goals. Everything was so surreal...

"Claude, stop pacing back and forth," Nader looked up from his own tie at the future king walking back and forth. "You're giving me anxiety."

"I just want this to be done so I can go back to Fódlan," Claude frowned, glancing at his own Almyran armor. His father had recruited it specifically. "...This seems like a trap. It's too easy."

"You know, I think it would do you wonders if you learned to trust people better," Nader chuckled, placing a reassuring hand on Claude's shoulder.

"I did!" Claude protested. "I trust my Teach. Besides, how can I trust a man that was easily swayed by everyone else's opinions?"

"Alright, relax," Nader slowed Claude's frantic train of thought after smoothing Claude's cape down with his hands. "If he tries anything, Nadia and I will be right there. The wyverns are outside if we need to escape...but I don't think we'll need to. Hassan is a man of veracity. Alright?"

"Sorry. It's just natural for me to be suspicious."

"It's alright. Now, come on! Let's go."

Nader lead him toward the throne room quickly, smoothing his own clothes down. After all, he was introducing the future King! Claude himself straightened up, making sure his posture was alright.

The doors opened, and Nader winked before walking into the crowning room.

"Now presenting, the new king of Almyra!"

Claude took a deep breath, and then walked into the audience chamber.

People were sitting, watching him in admiration. Claude passed through the middle, a small smile on his face. They began to rise and stand in respect as he passed by them. As Claude made it to the front of the room, he turned and grinned at the people.

Nader took the crown from it's cushion, slowly holding it. The crown was golden, but it wasn't extremely extravagant, much to Claude's relief. He knelt down, feeling his hands shaking slightly. Is this really it? After this, I..I can accomplish my goals? I can change Almyra?

Nader placed the crown on his head, and everyone began to cheer. Claude's smile grew wider at everyone's supports. He stood, turning to look at all of the people. They clapped heartily, still standing to show their never ending love for their new king.

"I present to you...The new king of Almyra, Claude von Riegan!!"

Everyone continued to clap loudly, appreciating their new, wise, peaceful king. Claude grinned at everyone, fully enjoying the attention.

"My friends...I'm so grateful for this. As most of you know, I've accomplished so much in Fódlan. Fódlan is opening their borders, and we will do the same," Claude grinned as mostly everyone looked pleased with this. "Almyra will follow Fódlan's example. We will help the old, the poor, the orphaned..all of them will receive whatever help is necessary. But you all should know...that there is someone waiting for me in Fódlan."

He paused, looking to see if anyone was raging. So far, so good.

"My beloved awaits," Claude said, hoping that hearing about his love would help them feel more sympathy. "My beloved Teach. She's pregnant with my you can understand why I need to return there immediately after this."

And here it was. Now everyone began to whisper in confusion, furious that their promised king was already going to be leaving.

"But I promise I'll be back. My beloved is the Queen of Fódlan," Claude announced, attempting to calm everyone. "And she will become your Queen, as well as I will be their King. I know this may sound shocking. But we must learn to accept others. I myself am only half-Almyran. I promise we will work to find a common ground between Fódlan's duties and Almyran's duties."

"I told you! The King is just as bad as his father!" A woman stood. Her long, blazing hair trailed behind her, and raised a bow. "I'm doing this for the good of the people!"

Claude's verdant eyes widened as an arrow flew toward his face. He sidestepped, fully expecting to feel the arrow whizz past his face.

Instead, Claude watched as Nadia stepped forward, holding a silvery shield in front of them both. The arrow bounced off, and the other civilians quickly stopped the female from shooting anymore. Claude stared wide-eyed at Nadia, grateful.

"Thank you," Claude nodded appreciatively.

"No problem," Nadia smiled, this time more genuinely. "Now show everyone just what you're going to do, your Majesty."

"Listen up, everyone!" Claude addressed the audience. "That's exactly what I aim to prevent. The violence, the war...we can still fight. Don't worry, I wouldn't be cutting that out. But the terrorism will end. I promise, I will return. But you need to let me unite with our Queen."

"...You promise you'll come back?" Someone shouted out nervously. "Who will be in charge while you are gone?"

"I'll be in charge from Fódlan. Teach and I know that this is going to be a lot of work...but we can create change. I know it. Are you all behind me?"

Slowly, people began to nod. Even those who were unsure were behind Claude, mostly because they'd witnessed his strength before. They knew how Claude had succeeded in reforming Fódlan...all they could do was trust him. Claude smiled softly.

"Thank you."

"To the King of Almyra!" They chanted as Claude grinned. "To the King of Almyra, and the Queen of Fódlan!"

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