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"Professor-er-Your Majesty! There...There's an army coming towards us! They're holding the Crest of Flames, what do we do?"

"What?" Byleth snapped her head upward, immediately alarmed as the messenger informed her and the Deer. Her head ached, and that motion hadn't helped her pounding head much. Her and her Deer had been going over some ways to help the poor when the scout had returned. "There's an army? How far?"

"Decently close to the monastery!" The scout announced, a look of extreme panic on his face. "What do we do!? No ones prepared, and everyone's on vacation, and-"

"Calm down!" Byleth interrupted, keeping a stern voice. In the face of calamity, she needed to remain the voice of reason. "The Crest of Flames... it must be those who slither in the dark. Please go inform everyone of this and tell them to get ready. Everyone, suit up. We've got to get ready to defend the monastery at all costs. Fódlan's beautiful new future cannot be compromised now. I'll meet you all out there."

"Professor..." Ignatz hesitated. He normally wasn't the one to speak out against her orders, so Byleth raised her brow in confusion.


"Well.." Ignatz fidgeted. Everyone else looked equally concerned or worried, while Hilda just facepalmed. "You're pregnant, Professor! This could be dangerous for you."

"I'm only a couple of weeks pregnant," Byleth frowned, protectively and subconsciously patting at her still flat stomach. "I'll be fine."

"But Professor, we can handle it," Hilda protested, not liking the idea of her beloved teacher risking her unborn child's life. "We'll be okay. Remember how strong I am?"

"It's those who slither in the dark," Byleth said grimly. She didn't like the idea of putting her child in danger, but she didn't have a choice. "We're going to need all the power we can get. Now, everyone, get ready."

They all glanced at each other nervously. Byleth put her hands on her hips, looking at them all commandingly.

"That's an order from your Queen."


"Now! There's no time to lose," Byleth ordered, standing. She knew her Sword of the Creator was resting against her drawer, and she couldn't afford to waste further time. "Let's go. I'll meet you all in front of the gates!"

"...Alright," Leonie was the first one to follow Byleth's orders. "We'll be there."

"Thank you."

Byleth hurried out to her private quarters, glad she hadn't bothered to slip on her Archbishop clothes. She felt much more comfortable in her regular outfit. She picked up her sword, immediately feeling a wave of nausea through her body.

Byleth didn't have time for this.

She sheathed her sword to her side, running out. The soldiers were beginning to mobilize sluggishly and in a panic. Byleth rushed to the gates, feeling like she could tip over. It was afternoon, but Byleth wasn't feeling the greatest. Still, she had no choice...

Byleth could see the army marching toward them from their scouting scope. They looked to be about forty five minutes away. Barely enough time to discuss strategy...Byleth stood as her troops hurried to listen.

"There's an army approaching. We must fight with everything we have! We did not build this new Fódlan to have them take it away from us!" Byleth shouted, staring out into the wide crowd of soldiers. "I'll be fighting alongside you all-"

"Your Majesty, we cannot have you getting harmed!" Seteth immediately protested, an alarmed look in his eyes. It was unlike him to speak out against her orders, but this was a different circumstance. Byleth knew she shouldn't be fighting with a child in her stomach. She didn't need anyone to tell her that. But what choice did she have...? Seteth firmly crossed his arms. "Especially...not know. But even without that, we need you to lead-"

"There's no point in me being alive if Fódlan goes down," Byleth said grimly. It was true. If Claude came back and Fódlan was destroyed under her rule, she'd never be able to face him again. "We will defend the gate at all costs. I promise everyone that I'll stay careful...but we cannot allow them to get inside the monastery. Everyone understand? Head to the fortress walls; we'll do whatever it takes!"

"Yes, your Majesty!" The soldiers all scrambled to their positions, and Byleth herself just awaited in front of the gates. She was the last line of defense, with her Deer scattered around her...

There were plenty of soldiers in front of her, and people were stationed on the monastery's wall to snipe people from afar. This would have been easy if they had more time to prepare, but everyone had been so excited lately no one bothered to check the scouting better. Now, they were scrambling to organize.

"Your Majesty, they're here!" Someone shouted, and Byleth tightened her grip on her weapon. From her elevated position. she could see the army being led by a woman with pink curly hair and a maniacal look on her face.

Here we go...

We'll be okay. We have to be.

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