The Palace

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The time had come.

The entrance to Enbarr was heavily guarded, and at the front of the gate was Hubert himself. Claude called out the position of the general, hearing Petra scoff behind him upon hearing his name.

"Is everyone ready?" Claude yelled out from atop his ivory white wyvern, and everyone shouted back to him in a deafening roar. Still, through all of that sound, he was only looking to hear one person; his Teach.

She stepped up beside him, her eyes closed as she took a deep, calming breath. As she opened her eyes, she unsheathed her menacing Sword of the Creator. Claude remembered how he had once wanted her for her sword; now, he just wanted her.

"You're supposed to kiss in a cathedral," His Teach retorted calmly, and Claude was quite proud of her snarking ability. However, her next words made him freeze in place. "When you get married, you kiss. Come on, now, Sylvain, isn't that obvious?"

Claude felt his cheeks heat up at the memory, but he quickly tried to dismiss it. It wasn't appropriate for the somber mood of invading the palace! Yet, even so, Claude couldnt get his mind off of it.

She wanted to get married while they were in the middle of a war?

"I'm ready."

"March forward!" Claude instructed, immediately leading his troops forward alongside his Teach. They both continued onwards, and Claude withdrew his Failnaught as Empire soldiers charged towards them. His relic gleamed ominously, the gem glowing insidiously as Claude held it expertly. When we find Rhea, we'll find out what is wrong with these sacred weapons...

His Teach lunged forwards, a blank look on her face as she turned around, swinging her sword in a unpredictable motion. She tore through multiple soldiers, her elongated sword slicing through multiple soldier's armor simultaneously.

Claude quickly drew the bowstring backwards, rapidly firing off deadly sharpened arrows. They were made of silvery steel, and his arrows all flew across the open stretch, hitting the unfortunate souls who stood in his path. His Failnaught gleamed as Claude aimed for another soldier's leg, hitting them directly in the leg.

He flew forward, faltering slightly as he saw the people in front of him. It was a light blue haired male with tan skin and gray armor. Behind him was a boy with dark green hair and skin as pale as the moon, and they both stood on the side of the empire.

Caspar and Linhardt....

Claude couldn't hesitate anymore.

Claude narrowed his eyes as he focused in, pointing forward and urging everyone to keep moving alongside him. However, before he could head forwards, his Teach held her arm out in front of him and his wyvern.

"My love..."

"...Don't worry," Claude sighed. "It's okay."


His Teach charged left, straight towards Caspar while Claude faced towards Linhardt. The scholar looked somewhat more awake than usual...but only somewhat. He yawned, holding his hands in front of him defensively.

"Well, hello there Claude," Linhardt had his long hair pinned back neatly, a far cry from the short and messy cut he had before. "I apologize for our fight. I am quite aware I might not come out of this alive, I am a reasonable fellow...however, I must uphold my promise to the Emperor."

"I...honestly don't understand why we're fighting," Claude armed his bow as Linhardt began to conjure up a spell. "You want to find more about crests. Do you think you're going to find anything in a future where Edelgard demolishes the crest system?"

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