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"Professor, where do you plan on heading for peace?"

"Do you think the other nations will agree to ending isolationism?"

"When do you think Claude will come back?"

There was an endless cacophony of questions that flooded her daily activities. Now that Claude's gone, they finally realize how much he does. Byleth attempted to retain a regal posture as she stood where the Archbishop used to. She had to wear the gown Hilda had made; while it was beautiful, Byleth longed to wear her shorter clothing. She fixed her crown, forcing a smile on her face.

"Everyone, please-"

"Do you really expect us to accept those barbarians!?"

"Enough!" Byleth exclaimed crossly, placing her hands on her hips. Everyone fell silent, watching her respectfully. "Fódlan has fallen into disarray. We can solve this by communicating with other nations. We need all the support we can get."

"But they are beneath us!" A noble raised his brow. It was Lorenz's father; the head of the Glocouster family. Byleth was glad that Lorenz would soon be usurping him. "We will not require their services-"

"That is not true!" Byleth shot back. "They are not beneath us, and we are not above anyone. Do you want to know why we must open our borders? Your king is half Almyran. There's your proof. Not all Almyrans are barbarians. You all ought to be ashamed of yourselves for blaming people of his color. Haven't you witnessed the great things he has done?"

"...He's Almyran?"

Did the people not know that? Byleth knew he had kept it a secret, but she thought the people would have realized by now; especially with him disappearing and all that.

"Yes. Have you ever witnessed him with the 'barbaric' spirit that everyone tells you about!?" Byleth raised her brow, daring anyone to challenge her. Widely, everyone remained silent. "That's right. Claude is no barbarian. That's proof that we've already had misconceptions. This discrimination has to end."

"...Realistically speaking, what good does this do for Fódlan with trade and all of that?" Someone asked cautiously. Byleth was grateful for the warranted question; her head was beginning to hurt from dealing with the uptight nobles. How the hell did Claude do this all day?

"Well, Fódlan did just go through a war," Byleth reminded them all, adjusting her crown. Damn, this thing is heavy! "A lot of buildings were destroyed. The other nations can give us materials to help us rebuild. Plus, there are many types of food we haven't been able to eat. We can share our culture."

"This decision will also prevent any war from spreading through the nations."

Seteth appeared through the doorways, and Byleth had never been so grateful to see the strict and stern man. He folded his arms, and everyone turned to him with respect.

"Right," Byleth nodded, casting a graceful look towards Seteth. Is he my assistant now? That's so weird. "I'm sure Brigid is disgusted with the kidnapping of their princess. Dagda could strike with an assassin at any moment. If we continue to remain a desolate nation, hostilities will only continue to grow. Fódlan has been a place where outsiders have been hated. It's no wonder they hate us."

"We're sure this is the proper way to head forward?" A noble with blonde hair curled to perfection questioned, raising her brow. "I know this is all very new to you. This might be too idealistic.."

"I'm positive," Byleth grit her teeth, folding her hands in front of her. It's just a month. I can do this. Gah, I hope that Claude's having an easier time than I am. "Separation has gotten us nowhere."

"This won't change all of a sudden," Seteth clarified to the still hesitant nobles. "It's not as if people will just change their mind. We understand that. But now that Fódlan is heading in a place where the truth has been exposed, there is no point in hiding ourselves any longer."

"I suppose we could try," A noble mused. "Rhea entrusted you, and she has taken care of Fódlan previously. Besides, we will need someone to take care of our barbarian king.."

Byleth couldnt take it anymore.

"How dare you speak about your king in such a way!?" She lost her patience, narrowing her eyes. Everyone remained silent in solemnness, not wanting to concur further wrath. "He has held you together, advised you during this war, and fought for peace. How dare you say such an awful thing! I should strip you of your titles just for saying that!"

"My apologies your highness-"

"Yes, you should be sorry," Byleth reprimanded everyone, and they all watched in sudden amounts of respect. "Remember your place," Byleth thought about the crowds of people who followed Claude's every word. The peasants who relied on him. "The people know who Claude truly is; a peaceful and strategic king. They're willing to fight anyone who disagrees. If you want to keep your title, and not be lynched by some civilians, you'd do best to remember that."

Byleth strode out of the room regally, keeping her dignity even when angered. Once she finally made it alone, she huffed and placed her head in her hands.

Claude, I need you.

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