Party.....(part 3)

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Vansh and Disha look at each other while alia and rhea are scared.....whereas pragya is worried.....

V.R mansion.....

Almost half of people in party were complaining about stomach ache now....
The team of doctors whom disha called from her hospital came, and checked everyone....
Disha signs doctor, who nods at disha and gives a specific injection to everyone...., in about 20 minutes everyone was feeling relieved of pain, but Vansh still continued with his acting.....

Pragya(worriedly): strange..., now everyone is getting ok, but why isn't your pain reducing Vansh.....

Vansh: I don't know baby..., its paining more...

Pragya: Doctor plz check Vansh, why isn't he getting well....

Doctor checks him....

Doctor: mam, Its a case of food poisoning as I think the food was spoiled, or something unusual was added in it..., so we gave them a antibiotics and a antibacterial injection due to which they are feeling relieved but I think Mr. Raisinghania consumed that poisoned food a lot..., so he is still not cured, if this continues we have to admit him in the hospital.....

Pragya, prachi, ritik, and sahana gets worried for him....

Prachi: what??, dad u ok na...

Prachi was damn worried for her father, Vansh understood her concern and felt bad for her....she had tears in her eyes as she is very close to he dad and can't see him pain....

Vansh: prachi, my princess I'm ok beta..., calm down u know na I can't see u in tension...., I'm ok baby...

Prachi: but dad.., u r ill (makes sad face..)

Sahana: haan chuks, we can't see u like this...

Vansh: my princesses,....(hugs them...)

Disha, ritik and pragya smile seeing their bond....

Ritik(complaining tone): oh hello, even I'm in pain....

Disha: aww, baby I'm there for u na...(hugs him..., purab looks on and feels jealous/hurt which alia noticed....)

Prachi: but question is still remaining, how did this happened....

Mrs. Sood: I think its the mistake of that catering company...., Mrs. Raisinghania u should sue them....

Disha: but if It was their mistake, the we all would have fell ill, but only some people fell ill that means something happened in the mansion....  or should I say someone conspired against us (looking at mehra family....)

People start gossiping about Raisinghania's inhospiatlity, and that was it for pragya, coz she can't hear anything against her family..., so she takes the Mike and shouts...she was hell angry.....

Pragya: enough....(everyone gets silent hearing her) ladies and gentlemen, I know whatever happened should not have happened, but that doesn't mean we Raisinghania's didn't care about our guests..., I promise u that I'll catch in an hour.., and in front of u all I'll punish him.... till then plz cooperate.....

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