The Final Showdown (3)....

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At AJ's Mansion,

In Alia's Room,

Vansh and Pragya break their kiss, They have an eye lock, He kisses her forehead lovingly...,

Vansh was staring at Pragya, she holds her ears..,

Pragya: Sorry..,

Vansh makes her hands down..,

Vansh: same thing again na Pragya, what should I say u, your lied again..,

He says with a disappointed face..,

Pragya: Vansh, I did it for family..,

Vansh: oh Family, Pragya as far as I remember, even I'm a part of this family right, I'm your husband, your kids are my kids too, your parents are my parents too then don't u give this excuse okay...,

Pragya understood he was hurt, she kisses his hands lovingly..,

Pragya: I know Vansh, u are speaking all this coz u are worried for me, but Vansh, this was the last chance to end all this..

Vansh: this was also your mistake, I must have told u millions of time that Pragya, AJ is not trustworthy but u always ignored me thinking it as jaelousy, Yaar Pragya why would I be jaelous of AJ, I know u are mine, u won't go away from me, Abhi is your ex husband, u have three kids together then also I never stopped u from meeting Abhi coz I know He's not wrong, neither I'm jaelous of him but AJ, that Man always has some negative aurora around him, I just get angry seeing him and I was right...,

Pragya: I Agree with u Vansh and I'm sorry for it but Baby..,

Vansh: Forget it, Right now tell me what's happening here and what, u and shlok are doing here I mean, why aren't we getting them arrested..,

Pragya: calm down, calm down, I'll tell u everything first u tell me how do u got to know that it's me, I mean Devika is Pragya and that Shiva is shlok..,

Vansh smirks, They hear a knock on door and gets alert..,

Vansh: I'll see..,

Pragya holds his hand..,

Pragya: look at your self, (she points at his bare body) wear clothes..,

Vansh: fine I'll hide in washroom..,

Pragya nods, Vansh goes in while Pragya wears the veil and opens the door, she sees Rhea and Shlok..,

Rhea: Mom..,

She hugs Pragya rightly..,

Pragya: Rhea, (she sees shlok who nods) come in first before anyone sees...,

Rhea: wow mom, u are looking so cool in this attire..,

She laughs, Vansh who was seeing from washroom door, comes out seeing Rhea and Shlok..,

Vansh: off course dear, in fact your mom is looking quite hot in this, Ms. Behenji..,

Rhea: so does my husband with this moustache, Muchhad..,

They laugh and Hi - Fies, while Pragya and shlok frown..,

Pragya(sternly): Rhea..,

Rhea gets quiet..,

Rhea: now what did I do mom, u and shlok are doing the drama..,

Shlok: Hello Madam, we are doing all this for family..,

Vansh(sternly): don't u dare to give this excuse shlok agnihotri..,

Shlok and Rhea were surprised by sudden change of Vansh's mood..,

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