Twisted Plan....

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At Agnihotri Industries..,

Rhea comes in but due to her changed face none was recognizing her, she tries to move towards shlok's Cabin but receptionist stops her..,

Receptionist: Excuse me, who are u, do have an appointment with someone, u can't enter the office like this..,

Rhea: what's wrong with u Pam, I'm Rhea, Shlok's wife..,

Pam: Excuse me, are u Mad, we all know Rhea, although we didn't knew that she was shlok sir's wife but later sir told us and she doesn't comes to office as she's not well, but u are definitely not Rhea Ma'am...,

Rhea was confused and realizes Pam is not recognizing Rhea due to changed face..,

Rhea(chuckles): it's okay, not your fault but Pam, I'm Rhea Mehra Agnihotri, just my face is changed and it's my new face, now let me go in..,

Pam was hell confused..,

Pam: what nonsense, it's face not any wallpaper that u will change when u want, listen Ma'am please or else I need to call the security..,

Rhea frowns hearing her..,

Rhea: Listen, I'm saying truth okay u are doing your duty, call shlok and he will tell u everything...,

Pam: Sir is in important meeting, He will take time..,

Rhea: Aree but..,

A guy comes..,

Guy: what happened Pam..,

Pam: don't know who's this lady (slowly) I guess she's mad, she's calling herself Rhea Agnihotri, I mean are we fools to not to recognize our boss's wife..,

Guy(whispers): Must be some maniac, call security and throw her out..,

Some put hand on his shoulder, It was shlok with anger clearly seen on his face, while the guy and pam get scared..,

Shlok: what did u say, Maniac, and what.., I'm asking u something..

Rhea: shlok let it be..,

Shlok: one second Rhea, u (looks at guy) repeat what u said, u will throw my wife out of my office, (shouts) how dare u to speak like that..,

He holds the guy's collar...,

Pam: But sir, she's not Rhea Ma'am..,

Shlok(shouts): she's Rhea, my Rhea, Mrs. Rhea Shlok Agnihotri, Remember that now..,

He speaks in dangerous tone..,

Rhea: Shlok, let it be baba, they don't know about my plastic surgery, it's okay..,

She tries to make him leave that guy's collar..,

Shlok: so, what if he doesn't know.., fine but what he said about throwing out, He's just a Manager and u are owner Rhea.., plus Pam, it's your job, u should have called me or should have made Rhea sit in waiting area, even if some stranger was at Rhea's place, I wouldn't have tolerated this misbehavior..,

He leaves the guy's collar and glares them, Rhea puts hand on his shoulder, He controls his anger..,

Pam: we are sorry sir, Sorry Ma'am..,

Rhea: it's okay get back to your work..,

They try to go when shlok shouts..,

Shlok(shouts): Pam, u both have 5 minutes, everyone from office I want here.., just 5 minutes..,

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