A New Sunrise...

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Next Day,

In Study Room,

Pragya: what is this Ali, I told u to spy on Vishaka, I already have her information, She was a doctor then she lost her medical license that's what I knew already, something new..,

Ali: Ma'am yesterday night only u told me to spy on Vishaka and I bribed a servant in Agnihotri Mansion, but since last night their's no moment, Vishaka is in the Agnihotri Mansion only...,

Pragya: Damn this women, why it is getting so difficult..,

Ali: Boss, what if we abduct her and make her speak the truth forcibly..,

Pragya: shut the fuck up, She's Shlok's Relative, we can't force her like this.., Tap her phone, Hire a Hacker and just get into her phone, if Vishaka had evil Mind then we have technology, She's playing games with Industrialist Arora, (Chuckles) Kiddo..,

A Servant comes and calls her for Lunch...,

In Living Room...,

Raisinghania's, Ranbir, Aryan and Shlok were present their, Sahana was crying now but she was all silent and none was able to bear the silence of Sahana who was always chirpy and joyful...,

Krish comes to Sahana and sits in her lap..,

Krish: Sanu didu, why ale u silent, come na let's play.., ale u sad..,

Rhea: yes Sahana what happened, why are u so silent, I don't like it when anyone gets sad.., and u know in morning na teddy fell in bathroom..,

Shlok was surprised hearing her, while rest laugh..,

Shlok: Rhea babygirl, we should not speak bedroom things like this in front of other's..,

Rhea: offo teddy, Sahana is not any other, she's my sister (she side hugs sahana tightly) and sahana u know he snores very very loudly in sleep..,

Krish: did, what mean snore..,

Disha: snore means makings sounds while sleeping, even your Ritik Chachu does this.,.

Rhea: yes and when Shlok was snoring loudly I tried to wake him up by shaking him but he fell on floor, thudd se bum pe gira woh..,

Sahana who was enjoying their talks starts laughing while Shlok was highly embarrassed and palms his face..,

Others were relieved seeing her laugh while Ranbir comes to Shlok..,

Ranbir: bro tera bum thik hai na..,

This makes them laugh more while Shlok frowns..,

Pragya comes their and smiles seeing everyone happy, she goes and caresses Sahana's face..,

Pragya: u are ok beta, (Sahana looks at her and smiles, Pragya sits beside her) We face many tough challenges given by life, but I know my daughter's are strong like me, always remember u are Industrialist Arora's Daughter, The Princess of Business Queen, okay (Sahana nods) Never let your past affect your present..,

She speaks while Looking at Aryan, Everyone smiles..,

Sahana: don't worry Masi, I know whatever happened was not my mistake but the way everything happened is not less than a nightmare...,

Vansh: but after every night their's a beautiful sunrise to my baby, now start a new life chapter without any tension..,

Suha: He's Right Sahana and all of u, I'm really very, Very sorry.., The I behaved..,

Kokila: no need Suhani, what u did being a mom was fine, u were scared that's it.., no need to apologize, all's well when ends well..,

Disha: exactly and guys come let's gave a breakfast, my baby is hungry..,

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