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Firstly, Thank u so much to everyone who responded for the last chapter, the response was so huge that I wasn't able to message everyone, so here, Thanks a Lot🙏🙏🙏, I saw everyone's suggestions, of course everyone has different view, so according to that I'll make changes in this story plus in new story also, u can see the New story in My Profile, named as "Their Destiny "


Next Day...,

M.K Mansion...,

In Guest Room...,

Pragya wakes up, and was surprised to see herself in guest Room.., Vansh comes out of washroom in Towel, He smiles seeing Pragya Awake...,

Vansh: Good Morning Jaan...,

Pragya: Vansh I was with Rhea, how did I came here, who brought me here...,

Vansh: who will dare to pick u and put u here except me...,(He chuckles...)

Pragya: Vansh, I wanted to be with Rhea.., what if she needed me...,

Vansh: sweetheart, as D told Rhea won't wake up soon, it's just 9 o'clock..., and don't forget Shlok is their for Rhea...,

Pragya: Aree but..,

Vansh sits beside her and kisses her forehead...,

Vansh: Baby, your daughter Rhea is above 20 plus married..., and Shlok wasn't alone, even abhi was their, u slept in sitting position, so I brought u here.., now go and have a hot shower, then breakfast as u need some energy...,

Pragya: Rhea is ok na..,(Vansh nods, Pragya hugs him tightly...) I was so scared yesterday Vansh...,

Vansh: Rhea will be alright and even I have to handle Maya too, woh yesterday I lost my temper and..,(he tells her what happened..)

Pragya: Maya won't sit quiet Vansh..,

Vansh: don't worry I'll handle it, u don't stress yourself.., go get ready..,

Pragya nods and kisses his cheek..,

Pragya: I Love you...,

Vansh: I Love Too My Baby...,

Pragya goes to freshen up and Vansh gets ready...,

In Rhea's Room...,

Shlok slept in sleeping position only, he was awake almost whole night and slept at last, He moves in sleep and wakes up suddenly...,
He sees time..,

Shlok: 9 o'clock..., Rhea isn't awake yet..,(He checks her forehead.., and then sees the injection Rhea gave to her, checks it) sometime I forget that I'm a doctor.., it's a strong injection and Rhea will take time..,(He looks at Rhea and smiles..) uth jao yr.., I'm habituated to your talk's sweetheart, Wake up soon baby.., I'm feeling very lonely without u...,(He kisses her forehead) I promise when u wake up I'll take u back to our house, I won't let u stay here even for a sec...,(His phone rings, he picks it) Hello, what yes.., just cancel all my meetings, I won't come to office for somedays.., just do as I say.., I don't care how much loss I have to bear...,(He cuts the call...)

Prachi and Krishna come and knock on door..., Shlok nods...,

Prachi: All ok jiju, when will Rhea wake up..,

Shlok: There's time..,

Krishna caresses Rhea's forehead...,

Krishna: don't worry Guys, My Sister is strong, nothing will happen.., Shlok we wi stay with Rhea, u go and freshen up and have breakfast...,

kumkum Bhagya : The game of destiny....Where stories live. Discover now