The Night Out (1)...

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It Was Night...,

At Raisinghania Mansion...,

In Vansh - Pragya's Room...,

Pragya comes in the room, she was in her thoughts when she suddenly feels a pair of lips on her cheek, she was surprised...,

Pragya: Vansh, what

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Pragya: Vansh, what..,

Vansh: What, just kissing my wifey...,

Pragya smiles faintly..,

Pragya: Khana khaya..,

Vansh: how can I, without u.., Ishita sent food 20 minutes ago, I have been waiting for u, come let's eat..,

Pragya: Vansh, I'm not hungry u eat.., I'll just sleep now..,

Vansh: sleep without food, not happening jaan.., come (He pulls pragya and makes her sit on sofa)

Pragya was hell tired to argue, she sighs..

Pragya: Plz..,

Vansh cups her face..,

Vansh: tired, (Pragya nods) and..,

Pragya was confused..,

Pragya: and what..,

Vansh kisses her forehead..,

Vansh: I know u baby in and out, tired little bit more than that u are tensed and emotionally disturbed due to past.., especially by the mention of our past, right..,

Pragya nods..,

Pragya: Vansh, Thank you..,

Vansh: Thank you, for what..,

Pragya: for not speaking about our that so called ugly fight in front of everyone, or else..,

Vansh: shut up, what do u think I'm so dumb that I'll blurt out our personal matters in front of other, no baby and don't blame yourself, even I was at fault..,

Pragya: but I stared the fight na..,

Before she could speak Vansh puts morsel in her mouth...,

Vansh: we will definitely talk about this but right now eat it, as u are tired and even I have to take medicine given by that mental doctor..,

Pragya chuckles hearing him, she feeds him too...,


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