Raksha Bandhan (1)...,

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Next Day...,

At M.K Mansion...,

In Sia's Room..,

Sia was talking on call when Veer comes their...,

Veer: Mom, I wanna talk to you..,

Sia: yes beta and what is this, aren't u ready, we have to go to Raisinghania Mansion, It's Raksha Bandhan beta, did u got gifts for Prachi, Rhea, Krishna, Ruhi, as they will tie Rakhi to your..,

Veer: that's what u wanna talk you about Mom, actually Yesterday I, I talked to Abhi uncle...,

Sia gets alert..,

Sia: u talked means, what exactly u talked, did u tell him about your birth, Veer I told u we will tell this truth together to Abhi, that too if u want then..,

Veer: Cool, Mom cool.., I didn't tell him, I just, I just wanted to Talk to him and know his thoughts..,

Sia: what u talked to him and about which thoughts of Abhi u are talking about...,

Veer remembers Abhi confessing love for Sia..,

Veer: that I can't tell u Mom, but right now, I want tell u that, we should tell the truth to everyone..,

Sia was surprised hearing his talks as she wasn't prepared for it..,

Sia: Veer, beta think again, this truth will change everything..,

Veer: Mom, until when we will hide, see you tried to run from this thing since years, u never came to Delhi, but destiny got Mr. Mehra to Mussoriee.., and eventually we came back to Delhi and the truth is revealed to me, Mumma, Dad will be always my Dad, I'll always be Veer Mihir Kapoor, but we can't ignore the facts too.., today Prachi Dii, Rhea Dii, Krishna Dii, all will tie Rakhi to me but for them I'll be their name sake brother, and I don't want that, I want them to know that we are siblings, even if I'm their Half brother but still, we have a blood relation, Mom, Family deserves to know the truth..,

Sia: but beta, what if Abhi tries to take u away from me, I can't loose u, I know Abhi is not like that but still, none can predict Future, u are my only son, my family and I can't afford to loose you...,

Veer: Mom, What are u saying, Right now  Mr. Mehra don't have any right on me, He's just a donor, according law also, my dad is my dad, not Abhi uncle..., and Mom, He did a Huge Favor on you and dad, think if at last moment he won't have become the donor, then I won't have been here in your life.., Mom, Let's not predict anything, Let's tell the truth please..,

Sia remembers her conversation with Pragya, Ishita and Purab..,

Sia: Fine, But Veer Their's one more thing is that, Abhi like me..,

Veer chuckles...,

Veer: Off course my mom is so pretty that anyone will like you..,

He pulls Sia's cheeks, she glares him..,

Sia: I'm serious Veer..,

Veer: in that case what about you, do u like him, Mom if u like him then also I don't have any problem as u are single, and free to do anything, plus whenever I see the couples in house, I , I feel bad, Mom how can u manage all alone by yourself, see Vansh chachu - Pragya Masi, Purab Chachu - Ishita Masi, Ritik Chuks - DM, Adi bhai - Krishna dii.., everyone is so happy with their partner, and I want u also to be happy..,

Sia: I'm Happy beta, I'm Happy and Abhi is just a friend, in fact He's my best friend, I love to spend time with him, that's why I guess everyone including u think that I love or Like Abhi, but sorry to disappoint u, Veer, I don't like Abhi, Veer, I know Abhi is a good guy, but I can never like him..,

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