Birthday Bash (1)...

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NOTE :- ok, So as decided and as per everyone's suggestions, I got more Yes For Niti Taylor, so from now onwards Niti Taylor will be New Rhea, and as I said I don't wanna disappoint any of my reader, so I asked everyone and here's the result, I hope everyone understands 😇🙏🙏

So, Meet Mrs. Rhea Mehra Agnihotri

 Rhea Mehra Agnihotri

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At Raisinghania Mansion...,

In Vansh - Pragya's Room..,

Pragya comes to room and sees the room was fully dark and a person sitting on Arm chair in Balcony..,

Pragya switches on the light and looks at the person emotional...,

Pragya: Vansh.., (She goes and puts hand on his shoulder..) We won.., and from now onwards Rhea will stay with us..,

Vansh looks at her with expressionless face....., Pragya sees a wound on his forehead and get worried.., and goes to him..,

Pragya: Vansh, this wound.., how did this happen...,

Vansh gives the same plane look and speaks calmly...,

Vansh: I'm ok no need to worry for me..,

Pragya: shut up, are u mad.., (Shours) Victor, Lisa.., (She goes and gets first aid box from drawer..) come here..,

She holds his hand and tries to pulls home but he leaves her hand..,

Vansh: No need, I'm ok..,

Pragya(shouts): enough of your nonsense, we have to dress the wound or else it will be worse.., come here now..,

She pulls his hand, Vansh signs and stands up, Pragya makes him sit on chair.., Servants come running, and Family also came worried to her Room...,

Kokila: What Happened Pragya..., why are u shouting..,

Krishna: Yes mom what happened..,

Pragya: this happened.., (she points at Vansh's wound) and I was out for work, but u guys were here na, but no none is worried for my Husband...,

Sarla: Pragya chup, don't shout...,, we all are worried.., Vansh was walking in corridor, he Lost his balance and fell.., his head was bleeding.., we all were worried and tried to dress his wound but He didn't listen to anyone of us..,

Adi: Exactly Choti Mom, everyone was their but Vansh Chachu, didn't listen to us and told us to let his wounds bleed.., as it's his punishment, God knows which one..,

Pragya looks at Vansh who had no reaction on his face, she was dressing his wounds, it was burning but he didn't gave any reaction, Pragya gets teary eyed...,

Pragya: u guys should have called me...,

Kokila: Even u were busy Pragya, u are telling us but are u worried of your husband.., Rhea is your Daughter I agree but Vansh is your husband.., Rhea has Shlok to care of even if u don't go but what about my son..,

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