Engagement Drama

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Now everyone went to sleep as this was a very hectic day for wall.... and M.k family was in deep sleep unaware of a new storm coming their way which would change their life forever......

A new morning....

M.k mansion...(Rhea's room...)

Rhea gets up shouting leave me.... leave me..
Abhi who slept on sofa while taking care of her gets up due to Rhea's shout and runs to her....and seeing her scared hugs...

Abhi: princess, everything is alright beta ... see u r in your room... and I'm here ur dad...

Rhea(gets back to reality): dad... (she looks around that she's in her room) dad wo log .. they were so bad...(hugs him tight and sobs)... u know it was all dark they hard guns (scared tone) they told that they will kill me, they harmed me Papa...slapped me...(cries badly..)

Abhi gets emotional seeing her like this .. but control himself.... and tries to console her....

Abhi(calmly): rhea.. beta see u r at your home now no need to be scared no ones gonna harm u .... just think that u had a nightmare and forget everything......dekho if you cry like this (to lighten her mood) tumhara makeup kharab ho jayega and then my doll will become anabell doll...(laughs)

Rhea(gets little ok): daad...(fake punch)... you I'm so scared and u r making fun...(innocent pout)..

Abhi(holding ears): achha ok I'm sorry baby... but you promise me that you will try to forget everything and will get normal...

Rhea nods...

Abhi:that's like my girl....(kisses her forehead )

(Alia who heard Rhea's shouts came to her room.. and asks worriedly)

Alia: Rhea tum thik ho na ...everything alright... why were u shouting....(comes and hugs her....)

Rhea: buji, I'm alright now when u and my super dad are with me then everything will be alright... but buji, dad woh log kon the and what they want ... I heard that they have enemity with mehra family...

(Abhi and alia looked at each other....)

Abhi: nothing rhea , actually it was plot of our business rivals in past they lost a very big business deal coz of us ... but now everything is alright, they are arrested...

(Abhi reminisces telling family to lie the kids as they won't be able to understand the situation..... so same thing was told to ranbir and aryan...)

Alia: bhai, I think u should go n freshen up u look tired...(alia said this to make abhi leave so that she can manipulate rhea...)

Abhi: fine but rhea...

Rhea: don't worry dad now I'm perfectly fine....

(Abhi nods and leaves while alia smirks as something evil is going in her mind... alia goes and closes the door ...)

Alia: how did u lost the deal rhea, what happened exactly yesterday....

Rhea(reminisces the auction event): buji actually (she tells everything how prachi showed attitude and insulted not only her even ranbir) ...

Alia: see this what I was trying to make you understand, I'm sure this is done by your mom not prachi coz she wants to take revenge from us (rhea feels sad hearing this) so first she made prachi enter our lives as a middle class girl although, she's super rich and then ruined our Business, and now she's trying to snatch ranbir from you.....

Rhea: no buji ... she(pragya) is not like that I mean prachi insulted even ranbir, she asked him to stay away from her.... (defending her mom which made alia angry....)

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