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Sorry for the late update, as I'm little busy plus this FF takes time to write as it need more thinking of plot, compared to Their Destiny....


At Resort..,

Purab and Ishita sit in Mandap and does the ritual, Kokila does Ishita's kanyadaan..,

Pragya: so now it's time for Phera's u both stand...,

The lady was seeing all this from CCTV.., she smirks..,

Lady: not Phera's pragya, its time for destruction...,

She presses the Remote button and an explosion is shown......

Everyone was shocked hearing the sound, the fire erupts everywhere...,

Krish: Mumma.., File...,

He points in the direction, They all see the fire.., Pragya picks krish immediately and hugs him, while Ranbir takes Ruhi in his arms.., Everyone was shocked.., Purab and Ishita gets down from Mandap..,

Vansh: What the hell, this blast.., guys let's go out...,

Disha: Yes, Jij let's go out and talk.., that way..,

They moves towards door direction but the Lady smirks and presses the button of the Bomb over their, Disha Falls back but Ritik holds her in time..,

Ritik: Disha are u ok.., (He hugs her..)

Pragya: Vansh, it's not any cylinder blast, we are attacked.., let's go from back door..,

They move in opposite direction, but the lady was seeing all this through her Drone Camera..., She blasts the explosive at Back Door..., Prachi shouts as her hand gets burned..,

Prachi: Aahah mumma..,

Rhea runs to her..,

Rhea: Prachi are u ok..,

Prachi(cries): My Hand.., it's burning...,

Now their was fire from all four directions, and moving towards the Family..., They all were badly trapped..., Everyone was shouting and Panicking..,

Abhi: Guys plz don't get scared we have to see a way..,

Avni: but uncle, we are badly trapped, I don't wanna die..,

She starts sobbing.., Arav and veer hug her..,

Sia: Avni, shut up no one will die..,

Pragya: exactly, thinks with calm mind, look around...,

The lady was seeing all this through drone..,

Lady: poor Pragya, u always protected your family by becoming their shield, but today my fire will break this shield too...,

Vansh sees a Door..,

Vansh: Guys, that way.., see their fire is less in that rom behind the door, we can buy some time, one second..,

He removes his blazer and tries to extinguish the fire around him, whole Rest boys also help him.., Lady was seeing all this enjoying..,

Lady: Aww poor Vansh, even if u go in that room, u will be trapped more than this, as their is no way out and u and ur whole family will die out of suffocation..., I can kill u all in a second, by blasting another explosive but I won't.., as I'm enjoying ur struggle to live...,

Vansh and other's make a way till room..,

Purab: Guys come carefully.., Elders u a go, Maa, Dasi, kokila aunty, Kalyani Aunty and Sarita Aunty...,

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