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In Vansh - Pragya's Room...,

Vansh wipes Pragya's tears and kisses her forehead, Pragya hugs him tightly and starts crying..,

Pragya: I'm sorry...

Vansh: don't say sorry to me Wifey, I'm not angry on you, neither I think Shlok will be but still, u should apologize..,

Pragya nods no..,

Pragya: Vansh how will I face him, I did so wrong with him, since starting I disliked him, in the Court I pointed his character, called him a Gold Digger and even tried to target his Business...,

Vansh: if u realise your mistake then what's the problem in apologising, even shlok came to us directly and apologised na..,

Pragya: Vansh u know na how I'm, I don't even apologise to u when even if it's my mistake forget about anyone else.., so I need some time, please...,

Vansh sighs and nods..,

Vansh: ok, if u say so but I have to go and face the family, they must be very angry on me..

He chuckles while Pragya just nods, He kisses her forehead lovingly and leaves..,

In Living Room..,

Sudha and Ishita had told everyone that Vansh was the mastermind behind all this and he did all that due to Shlok and Pragya's issue, Shlok and Rhea understood what they meant, while Vansh comes downstairs only to Find Family glaring at him, He gulps while Prachi wasn't even looking at him, and Ranbir was standing holding his cheek..,

Vansh: Guys, woh.., woh..,

Kokila(shouts): don't u dare u to speak anything, what kind of prank was this, have u lost it..,

Pallavi: Exactly, Vansh are u a kid or what, u are father of three, have some maturity, I slapped my son, Vikram was slapping him continuously and Pragya slapped Prachi.., was it fun for u..,

Ritik: Dii, Mom let Bhai speak na, Dr. Sudha and Ishita said na that it's related to Bhabs, so..,

Vansh: Thank you Ritik, Mom, Dii.., Firstly if u feel that I'm sorry then u are absolutely wrong as I'm not sorry for the prank I did as it was damn necessary..,

Vikram: Vansh stop this nonsense and come to the point and all in the world how's Pragya related to all this...,

Ranbir: Exactly Mamu and what wrong did I do that u got me trashed...,

Vansh: Shut up, what would u had done if Prachi was really Pregnant and u were still in situation, which u faced while ago.., I understand u got slapped and it was too much but u deserved that, so that in future u remember this incident and u and Prachi don't cross your limits..,

Disha: Jij, fine just clear what u want to say and where's dii..

Shlok: V.R, if I'm not wrong is this all related go me and Rhea, as u were stretching that age topic a lot...,

Vansh nods, while shlok and Rhea look at him in disbelief..,

Rhea: V.R, I told u we would have found a way but this..,

Vansh: this was the way Rhea, I told u na we need a twisted plan to get Pragya on track, so this was it..,

Abhi: enough, what are u speaking, Shlok - Rhea how are u related to all this and Vansh what twisted plan..,

Shlok: Dad woh as u all know mom doesn't likes me much, since starting and after our court room drama, she started hating me.., then I apologized her but still she wasn't ready to forgive me..., so..,

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