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Arora's Villa...,

ragya: exactly, even I didn't saw her.., I did this deal with her representative.., so Plz welcome the representative of Casino Queen and My Friend AJ...

Everyone looks in direction she was looking.., they all see Akshat standing their..

Pragya smiles seeing him, she comes to AJ and shares a Friendly hug with him but Vansh who was seeing all this on TV clenches his fist in Anger and jealousy

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Pragya smiles seeing him, she comes to AJ and shares a Friendly hug with him but Vansh who was seeing all this on TV clenches his fist in Anger and jealousy...,

Abhi, Vikram, Adi and Ritik meet AJ and shake hands with him...,

Media was also eager to ask her questions..,

They all take their seat..,.

MP(Media person)1: Mr. AJ, can u tell us plz why did u guy invest in the sinking Business

AJ: Guys, its Casino Queen's Money and she decided it.., so better u guys ask her and what do u mean by sinking.., Arora Empire is leading Business Industry of the world and that's why investing in Arora Empire will be profitable for Queen's Casino's...,

Pragya: Exactly and the Investor who backed off is their problem not mine, anyway I think we are done with this conference now..,

MP 2: But Industrialist Arora, what about the two person who did suicide.., don't u value their life which went coz of u.., How would u compensate their loss to their family...,

Pragya: Interesting, I never knew that u guys also work for an NGO, as called this media to talk about business and u guys are talking about Justice..,(chuckles) anyway since u guys are talking about Justice, let me show u something..., Ali

Ali nods at her and he shows something on Presentation screen, it was post mortem reports of the people's who died due to suicide...,

Pragya: as u can see this post mortem reports, rest commissioner will explain u.., coz this two deaths weren't suicide, they were well planned murder...,

Everyone was shocked hearing Pragya while Mohini looks at a scared Maya...,

Maya think " How did pragya got to know all this, did she got proofs against me..."

Maya was sweating profusely, Vansh noticed this...,

At Conference,

Ali Video Calls Police commissioner, and he comes on screen...,

MP 3: Commissioner sir, is Industrialist Arora saying the truth, if those people were killed then who killed them...,

Commissioner: Yes, Industrialist Arora is right.., those two were murdered and when we arrested Industrialist Arora we didn't knew that coz till then we didn't had post mortem reports, but after examining the dead body we got to know that, this two people's were died not due to suicide, someone killed them by strangulating them, and then hang them on Fan to make it look like a suicide, we got certain another proofs which prove that it's a murder not suicide, and someone intentionally did this to frame Industrialist Arora and defame her...,

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