Truth Surfacing???

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V.R Mansion.....

In Vansh's Room...

Pragya: here u go hubby, your coffee...

Vansh was busy in Laptop..., he didn't reply.., pragya frowns...and puts the coffee mugs on table....

Pragya: what is this Vansh.., I brought this coffee n u r not even looking at it.., u r ignoring me...

She was about to go when Vansh pulls her on his lap.., he's still working on laptop.., while typing something speaks...

Vansh: never say it again that I'm ignoring u.., u were, u r and u will always be my first PRIORITY..., just a sec I'll send this mail, then will talk.., till then be quiet...

He continues his work while pragya was smile sitting in his lap and puts her hand around his neck.... he closes his laptop and holds her by waist and looks at her...

Vansh: so wifey.., first thing its u who got me involved in work.., and now u r saying I'm ignoring u...

Pragya(kisses his cheek): I know.., I was just kidding.., now drink this coffee....

Vansh takes a sip and makes faces...

Vansh: baby, where sugar.., u forgot something...

Pragya: what.., not possible I made with carefully...(she takes a sip from his cup..) Vansh its perfect...

Vansh(smiles): now its perfect.., as ur sweetness was remaining...

Pragya gives and impossible look..

Pragya: Vansh.., we have three kids and still u r flirting with me...

Vansh: and u like it.., right...(pragya smiles and blushes..)

Pragya gets a message...

Pragya: ohh.., Vansh I have to go...(she gets up from his lap...)

Vansh: aree where r u going.., I hope u remember no office...

Pragya: Vansh.., I'm going to Arora's villa.., its prachi's message.., she's asking for some designer outfits for tomorrow's event.., and that are in villa.., so I have to go their...

Vansh: cool, I'll come with u...

Pragya: n who will do this work.., I'll be in a while Vansh.., I have to prepare everything before prachi comes or u know she will be sad...

Vansh: hmm, but come fast I will miss u..(hugs her stomach like a kid..., pragya caresses his head...)

Pragya: Mr. Raisinghania.., Arora's villa is just Ten minutes away.., okay.., stop behaving like krish...., I'll be back soon...

Vansh: ok.., waise, who's your favorite celebrity from music world...

Pragya was confused by his question....

Pragya: u know I like silent music.., and my favorite singer is lata mangeshkar...,

Vansh: ya.., actually princess loves Rock music.., so I thought...

Pragya remembers prachi being abhi's daughter loves music..., she gets uncomfortable with his questions...

Pragya: u r busy with work right.., so stop this baseless question.., I'm leaving we will talk later....

Pragya leaves for villa, while Vansh continues with her work.....

Vansh thinks " wifey.., really it's very difficult to understand u...."...

At Arora's villa...

Pragya was busy in talking all type of different, Fashionable and expensive outfits for prachi....,

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