The Final Showdown (5)....

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At AJ's Mansion,

A lady Constable moves towards Pragya and was about to put the Handcuffs on her hand when they hear a voice...,

Voice: don't u dare to arrest my wife officer..,

AJ, Alia, Pragya and other's were shocked, They see Vansh getting up, He looks at AJ while wiping the blood on his mouth..,

Vansh: what Yaar Akshat, can't u bring a red sauce with sweet taste, this was so bitter, It spoiled my taste buds, Muh ka pura swad bigad gaya..,

Shock was an understatement for AJ and Alia...
Pragya looks at Vansh hearing his voice..,

Pragya (emotionally): Vansh...,

Vansh: Chalo Gaonwalo utho, Tamasha khatm..,

Vansh smiles and goes to Pragya while rest of The Family members also wake up..,

He sits on knees and cups her face while Pragya was sobbing...,

Pragya: Va, Vansh, u, u are okay..,

Vansh nods, He was teary eyed seeing Pragya's crying face, she hugs him tightly and starts crying, while Vansh tries to console her..,

Vansh: Pragya, Jaan, it's okay, I'm okay please don't cry baby, ssshhh..,

Pragya(sobs): Va, Vansh, ou, our family, see na, our ki, kids, the, they are not speaking, they are, are not talking to me, see, see na..,

She was sobbing and starts breathing heavily, making vansh and everyone worried..,

Vansh: Hey, Hey Jaan, see I'm okay, everyone is okay, our family, our kids, see, please don't panic.., see..,

He makes Pragya look around, Pragya sees her whole family their..,

Arav/Prachi/Rhea: Mumma..,

Arav comes to Pragya and hugs her tightly and cries..,

Arav: I'm sorry, I'm very sorry Mumma, I didn't wanted to trouble u, please don't cry, u know na I can't see u crying, It was all Dad's plan, I told him my Mumma will cry but he didn't listened and scolded me..,

Prachi: exactly Mumma, please don't cry we can't see u like this (she wipes Pragya's tears), dad, I told you this plan was stupid..,

Pragya was all silent, she stops sobbing and sees at them realising the actual reality and getting back to her own self...,

Vansh: what the hell Yaar, I made such Mind blowing plan and u are scolding me, Jaan don't listen to them, aree I had no option, woh woh..,

He was speaking when suddenly Pragya slaps him hard shocking everyone, Vansh holds his cheek and gulps seeing her bloodshot eyes..,

Pragya(shouts): shut up, just shut up, I, I hate u Vansh Raisinghania, how, how can u play such stupid prank with me, I, I was shattered, My Family, My kids and u (points at Vansh and cries) how can u do this..,

She starts crying badly, Vansh hugs her tightly..,

Vansh: sorry sorry please, please, don't cry okay slap me as much as u want, I won't mind but please don't cry jaana...,

Pragya starts hitting his chest, but Vansh tightens the hug, Other also hugs them..,

Sarla: Pragya beta, calm down see we are all okay, nothing happened..,

Pragya now calms a little and tightens the hug and was wetting Vansh's shirt...,

Vansh: Sorry babe, this plan was necessary and I know u will definitely understand but right now, I have to do something else...,

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