Blast From Past (3)....

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Raisinghania Mansion....,

In Vansh - Pragya's Room....,

Pragya: but we can't run away from truth, first prachi getting those nightmares after years, then "S" letter locket, then most important, that boy kumar being Ranbir's brother...., this all can't be a coincidence all together...,

Vansh: then what will u do now.., go and tell truth.., no babe, no one will understand.., I know Kohli's are our relatives and love us a lot but still, they won't bear this that they lost their elder son coz of our daughter..., and I guess we should end this topic now as no one knows this truth, the boy whom Prachi hit is Ranbir's brother..., it's only me and u...,

Pragya instantly speaks...,

Pragya: and Vishaka too...,

Vansh looks at her shocked...,

Vansh(shouts): what...., have u lost it, that Vishaka Verma, Shlok's Masi..., how's she related to all this.., pragya u are over thinking...,

Pragya was about to speak when they hear a voice...,

Voice: Pragya is absolutely right Vansh, Vishaka knows everything....,

Vansh and Pragya look at door and see Kokila standing their...,

She comes in while Vansh and Pragya were confused hearing her...,

Vansh: What do u mean mom, and how do u know that Vishaka was involved in all this..., Pragya, u...,

Pragya: Aree no, Mom what are speaking..., I mean u knew about Prachi's that new York incident but, I didn't tell u about Vishaka's involvement...,

Kokila: one sec, Pragya who told u about Vishaka, How did u got to know about it...,

Pragya and Kokila were confused while Vansh was getting mad in confusion...,

Vansh: kya chal raha hai yaar, Mom, wifey..., plz tell me what is Vishaka's involvement in Prachi's case...,

Pragya/Kokila: she was Kumar's Doctor...,

They look at each other....,

Pragya: Vishaka was the doctor who treated Ranbir's Brother Kumar, After Prachi did his accident....,

Kokila: and she was the one who declared him dead....,

Vansh: what, what the hell is happening..., and if Vishaka is the one who treated that boy Kumar, then why the hell was she silent during that Barsi puja...,

Kokila: that what irritating me to the core.., since day 1.., since that Vishaka entered our life and I saw her.., I was hell shocked seeing her again..., I never thought I'll meet her in my life again..., plus her behavior...,

Pragya: hold on mom..., since when u knew that Vishaka is the doctor who was involved in Prachi's case...,

Kokila: aree coz I was the one who bribed her to not to involve Prachi's name in that accident matter...,

Pragya and Vansh were shocked as well as confused hearing her...,

Pragya: what.., that means u meet Vishaka in past, 3 years ago...,

Kokila nods...,

Kokila: u didn't knew about this..., (pragya nods no) but u only told na that u knew about Vishaka's involvement in this matter..,

Pragya: Aree woh I got to know about this few days back, when I was fighting with Shlok about Rhea's custody case, I felt something fishy about incident, so I asked Ali to get her information..., (she reminisces asking ali to get Vishaka's info and then reading about her file) that time I got to know that she was in New York 3 years ago and out of curiosity I cross checked and got to know that she was the one who announced Kumar's death was just an mere accident....,

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