Murder or Self Defense

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That was it for pragya.... she directly shoots tanu at point blank in the middle of he forehead... ending tanu's chapter forever..... tanu's blood falls on pragya, abhi, alia and Purab's face as they were standing near her.....


M.k mansion

Everyone was standing like a statue no one was able to react in this situation; pragya was standing holding a gun in hand with blood on her face, abhi was shocked seeing this pragya, alia was highly scared seeing this pragya..... suddenly ali arrives with police force , they arrest tanu's goon who tried to flee, a officer takes gun from pragya's hand and was about to put handcuffs on her when pragya says..

Pragya (sternly): r u out of your mind officer... do you know who am I??? Agar mai chau na mai tumhari wardi utarwa sakti hun....

Officer gets scared by her warning and see's towards commissioner who signs him that he will handle....

Commissioner (to pragya): mam, I know what ever happened was wrong but a happened by your hand , and we have to arrest your for this...

Pragya: murder really?? (questioning tone) commissioner as far as I know if we murder someone while trying to save ourselves then it's called as self defense not murder and in this situation, tanu attacked me first and to save myself I shoot her.... u can take statement of them (M.K family) they were present here... it was just an act of self defense even you can see CCTV ....(signs ali)..

(Ali brings the CCTV of M.K mansion and shows it to commissioner, sound of CCTV was not working but as shown pragya attacked in self defense... during this time pragya very casually wipes the blood from her face with a smirk which was noticed by family)

Pragya: so officer I don't think its crime if you think so then u have to talk to them...

(Pragya signs towards door, from where a team of lawyers enters, they were top lawyer's of country ... commissioner gets surprised seeing them and understands that pragya is fully prepared and it's better to leave her or else he may lose his job)

Commissioner: no need, mam as you said it's an act of self defense, so there is no case against you....

Pragya: cool, now plz go and find their kids whom tanu kidnapped and kept in her captivity... find about that location and bring them safely ......

Commissioner: sure you say....

( he sends his team to search the trio... they take statement from M.K family while taking statement everyone told what pragya said but alia as usual had to say something)

Alia: actually they both were fighting, it was looking like pragya provoked tanu to shoot her .....
(this was heard by pragya who turns to alia)

Pragya: really alia , officer don't listen she's good for nothing, I know her since long she is tanu's bestfriend infact I have a 100 percent doubt on her that she must involved in this attack with tanu, they both were crime partners (alia fumes hearing that was about to speak something) don't interrupt me alia.., did i say something wrong weren't you the one who was tanu's crime partner and more than that you are one of my enemy.... so officer plz arrest her and interrogate her.... and I hope it's a non - bailable warrant..... aur waise bhi alia sirf tumhare statement se kya hoga..., everyone else gave the statement as I said and all can't be wrong that means you are wrong and since u r supporting tanu may be u kidnapped your own son... even half of your family knows you are not trust worthy.....

( alia gets scared seeing all this, the way pragya was manipulating police.....when commissioner comes...)

Commissioner: if Industrialist Arora is saying then we have to arrest you mrs.alia for interrogation...

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