Once a Fool, Always a Fool.....

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Pragya, Vansh and abhi get shocked by a call they receive and say NO...

Lifeline Hospital.....

In Disha Cabin....

Disha who was working on laptop was shocked by Vansh shout....

Disha: what happened jij, y did you shout No...

Vansh: D come with me..., its Rhea....

Disha gets shocked hearing Rhea's name and they both leave to ground floor urgently....

In Dasi's ward....

Dasi was worried about abhi...

Dasi: what happened abhi, everything alright.....

Abhi was in shock and teary eyed, he gets out of his trance hearing Dasi...

Abhi: Dasi..., I have to go..., its urgent...

He runs out of ward in hurry....

In corridor....

Pragya sat on the chair with thud...

Pragya: No, nothing can happen to rhea....

She also runs towards the reception.....

Vansh, D, pragya and abhi come to reception and they see a team of police with an unconscious Rhea lying on stretcher...., She had slitted her wrist..., blood was coming out of it.... police had brought Rhea to life line hospital and didn't take her to any City hospital as Pragya had already talked to commissioner that if Rhea faces any medical issue, she should be brought to Life line hospital......

Abhi slowly walks towards his unconscious daughter, he was teary eyed.., he puts his hand on her forehead....

Abhi: why princess....

Pragya stumbles in shock seeing her daughter like this..., Vansh saw her and hold her..., he was not able to understand pragya's reaction while Disha knew y is pragya reacting like this....

Disha thinks " before situation gets out of control, i have to handle this is no the right time to reveal Dii and Rhea's relation to ji...."

Disha: Dr.sharma..., take her to ward and treat her..., I'll fill her form, there should no compromise in her treatment, she's my family...., Inspector I hope u have no issue...

Inspector nods and the ward boys take Rhea to a ward followed by doctor to treat her....

Abhi wasn't leaving Rhea's hand...,and went behind her...., whereas pragya sits on floor in shock, Rhea's face was coming repeatedly in front of her eyes...., while Vansh was pained to see her like this....

Vansh: hey wifey,(Pat's her cheek but pragya doesn't react, Vansh was highly worried for pragya now) D y isn't she responding..., pragya wifey r u ok...

Pragya falls unconscious...., Vansh gets teary eyed,....

Vansh: pragya..., D check her....

Disha understood what was happening but pragya and Rhea's health was her first PRIORITY....disha comes and checks her...

Disha: Jij, calm down she fell unconscious due to stress and weakness..., let's take her to emergency room, I'll put a saline...

Vansh nods and picks pragya in bridal style and takes her to emergency room....., while going he was continuously calling her....

Vansh: pragya..., pragya....

They went to Emergency room and he put pragya on bed..., Disha was about to enter when a nurse comes....

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