The Final Showdown (6)....

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At AJ's Mansion,

Sarla: How can u be so in human Akshat, we forgive u and accepted u in family even after what u did years ago and u...

AJ starts laughing and looks at Vansh..,

AJ: Vansh, Sasumom still thinks that whatever happened years ago is my fault, u really think I was at the fault or should I tell the truth about what exactly happened on my and Pragya's marriage day that she married u...,

Family was confused while Vansh looks on..,,

Pragya: what the hell are u speaking, we all know what happened that day..,

Ranbir: what actually happened aunty..,

Akshat: I'll tell u what happened, this Vansh..,

Pragya: Vansh Exposed u, He got your real face infront of me, Actually at that time I wasn't this much rich, I had few Restaurants and A Hotel but I suddenly became an owner of 2000 Cr, when the shares of a company in which I had invested years ago suddenly the shares rose, and I got this Profit, so Basically AJ was marrying me for that Money, Right Mr. Akshat Jindal...,

Akshat: Absolutely wrong Pragya, I was marrying you coz I really loved You, I really wanted to make Family with u and Prachi, I was not wrong (He speaks emotionally), ask your so called husband, why the hell is he silent...,

Half of the family looks at Vansh, who wasn't speaking a word...,

Vansh: wh, why are u guys looking at me, I, I..,

Pragya: no need to speak anything Vansh, u don't need to give any explanation, I trust you, and U akshat, just because Vansh exposed u on that day and Married me doesn't mean u will put baseless allegations on my Husband..,

Akshat laughs..,

Akshat: I really feel Pity for u Pragya, (looks at Vansh) Mr. Raisinghania, your wife trusts u a lot, but truth is truth which will eventually surface, and u will loose the most precious thing of your life, your darling wife...

Vansh was slight nervous while Pragya slaps AJ Angrily...,

Pragya: not a word more against my Vansh, or else I'll kill u immediately, Inspector just take him..,

She holds AJ's collar..,

AJ: truth will always be truth, Pragya, I know u don't trust me but..

While they were talking, Alia takes out the gun from Inspector's pocket and points at Pragya, Akshat and Vansh see that...,

Vansh/Akshat(shouts): Pragya..,

Alia shoots at Pragya while Vansh takes out his gun and shoots at Alia..,

Two gun shots were heard, everyone was shocked, Alia falls down with blood flowing from her head, They all see at Pragya who was in shock, Akshat was standing in front of Pragya, he took the bullet on him, He falls down holding his heart...,

Vansh runs to Pragya and hugs her tightly..,

Vansh: Pragya, u, u are okay baby, ( He kisses her forehead and hugs her more tightly) Thank God....,

While Pragya was looking at AJ who was dying..,

Pragya: Vansh..,

She points at AJ, vansh looks at him..,

Vansh: Inspector call the ambulance, he saved my wife's life, we can't let him die..,

AJ: No, No, let it be, it's too late, Pragya, I.., I'm not lying, I'm sa.. saying truth..,

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