Some things Never change.....

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A New morning....

V.R mansion.....

In Vansh - pragya's room...

Pragya and Vansh were sleeping....,Vansh wakes up due to sun Ray's disturbing him...  he wakes up and sees the beautiful scene of his life..., his wifey sleeping peacefully in his arms...., no tension, no stress...., he smile seeing her and kisses her forehead....

, he smile seeing her and kisses her forehead

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Vansh(whispers): good morning jaan...,(pragya smiles and cuddles more) chalo wifey get up its 8 o clock, we have go to hospital also for ur check up...

Pragya opens her eyes and speaks in sleepy voice, rubbing her eyes...

Pragya: Vansh let me sleep na, I don't need any checkup, aur waise bhi it's our hospital we can go anytime their....

Vansh: yes, darling but it's not about hospital, its about your health which is a dead serious issue for me..., and moreover u can sleep whole day, as u r not going to office atleast for 2 weeks....

Pragya wakes up with jerk hearing him...

Pragya: what nonsense Vansh, who said that I'm not going to office....

Vansh(points towards himself): ur husband said..., as u r gonna do total bed rest for minimum 2 weeks....

Pragya: no way Mr. Raisinghania..., I'm a workaholic, I can't miss my office... I have many meetings pending.., I have other works too ..., and main thing in our family everyone has some work...  to kya pure din I'll stay alone in this house..., with that M.k family..., no way....

Vansh: who said that u r alone.., u hot and sexy husband is their to give u a company....

Pragya: what do u mean..., even u r not going office for two weeks....(she gives a impossible look, while he nods and smiles) do whatever u want, but I'm going office and that's final....(she folds her hand and looks in other direction....and frowns)

Vansh: let's see, but right now let's freshen up,(he goes and takes the towel...and while going to washroom again speaks teasing her) u r not going to office....

Pragya frowns more and throws a pillow at him.... while he smiles and comes near her face...

Vansh: by the way wifey, if u want u can join me in the shower....(he winks at her, while she slaps him lightly...)

Pragya: idiot....,(he kisses her cheek and goes to washroom, while pragya shouts) I'm going office definitely, Mr. Hubby....

After Vansh goes to washroom, ali comes their in hurry and knocks on the door....
Pragya goes and open the door...

Pragya: Ali u here, at this time..., any problem ...,

Ali: boss, I need to inform u something urgent..., u were right...

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