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Raisinghania Mansion...,

Next Day..,

In Rhea's Room..,

Rhea was sleeping she gets flashes of the fire incident and asking Vansh to take Pragya out and closing the door pushing them and suddenly the fire erupts and she falls.., Rhea wakes up with Jerk..,

Rhea(shouts): Mom, Shlok, V.R...,

Shlok who slept a while ago wakes up in shock hearing the shout and sees Rhea was scared and full sweaty..,

Shlok: Rhea baby are u okay, what happened why did u shout, any nightmare, I'm here only..,

Rhea looks at him..,

Rhea: Shlok, u are okay that fire...,

She hugs him tightly, while Shlok was surprised hearing about Fire incident..,

Shlok: Fire, u remember it..,

Rhea looks at him confused..,

Rhea: what is wrong with u and where are mom and V.R are they safe, u know I pushed V.R and locked the door from inside so that they don't get harmed and the Fire erupted suddenly and I don't remember what happened after that (she looks around) where are we and who's room is this..,

Shlok: Rhea, Rhea baby first u calm down, we all are safe, Mom and V.R, u saved them na.., and even u are safe, calm down, drink water..,

He takes the glass of water and makes her drink it, while Shlok smiles seeing at her..,

Rhea: Oh Hello, Mr. Sadu, why are u smiling, did I cracked any joke..,

Shlok kisses her forehead lovingly, He had tears in eyes and hugs her tightly..,

Shlok: I missed u so much my babygirl...,

Rhea: what, I didn't went on any trip and tell me na where are we..,

Pragya and Vansh come their..,

Pragya: What Happened, I heard Rhea's shout..,

Rhea: Mom..,

She goes and Hugs Pragya tightly, Pragya caresses her hairs..,

Pragya: what happened Baccha..,

Rhea looks at Vansh and hugs him too, making him surprised..,

Vansh: Rhea u are okay Beta..,

Rhea: thank god u both are okay, u know that fire, I was so scared and Mom u went unconscious, I was so worried for u..,

Pragya and Vansh were confused and looks at each other..,

Shlok: Guys, Rhea is talking about Fire Incident in Mussoorie, She is fine now..,

He stretches the word fine, Vansh and Pragya smile and get emotional, Pragya kisses her forehead..,

Vansh: Rhea, u remember who am I..,

Rhea was confused..,

Rhea: what's wrong with u V.R, u are V.R, My Mom's Darling Husband..,

Pragya: and He's (Points at Shlok)..,

Rhea: He's Mr. Sadu, My Darling Hubby..,

She laughs but confused while Vansh, Pragya and Shlok were smiling..,

Rhea: Guys, what's Happening, why are u all reacting as if u guys are meeting me after long time and where are we, this room.,

Vansh: Raisinghania Mansion, it's your Room..,

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