The Other side of Coin...

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At Raisinghania Mansion,

In Living Area..,

Vansh: That was The First Time I met u Prachi, we never told u all (Looks at kids) about Past, but now u are enough mature to understand the past ...,

Prachi: Okay dad, but next what happened, I mean AJ..,

Vansh: then I don't why but Prachi, I felt an instant connection with you, so then again same cycle begun, My and Pragya's small fight, our constant stupid quarrel, I got to know that ur nanny takes u to Park, so I started visiting that park and used to spend time with Pragya, Everything was going well and two months passed, the one day I saw Pragya with AJ....

Flashback Starts...

In The College,

Vansh and his friends were bantering in college..,

A lavish and Expenses Car comes..,

Vansh's friends speaks..,

Friend: Bro, look at that car, that's so amazing, this same car na that u were asking from your mom right..,

Vansh turns and sees the car..,

Vansh: Haan bhai but u know na, My mom is very strict plus she's very angry that I'm not able to clear our final year since years, she denied for it, but see na this car is so cool..,

Suddenly a Man gets out of Car, it was AJ and moves towards the other door to open it..,

Friend: waah bro, he got out of Car like a hero of movie, now he will open the door for his heroine and a sexy lady will come out..,

Vansh: waah, let's see his heroine..

AJ opens the door, Pragya comes out making vansh surprised, He stares at her with open mouth as she was wearing a saree looking damn sexy...,

Friend: oh my god, she's so hot, I saw this girl somewhere..,

Pragya smiles and hugs AJ while Vansh frowns and pat's on his friend's head..,

Vansh: Abe gadhe, Meri Hitler hai woh see properly, Golu molu ki mummy..,

His friend looks properly rubbing his eyes..,

Friend: Haan be, she's looking so sexy and that boy, I guess Pragya Ma'am's boyfriend, Maybe father of Prachi...,

Vansh was irritated..,

Vansh: shut up, don't speak nonsense, First thing he can't be my golu's father, second he can't be Pragya's boyfriend and third he's not any hero, I get villian vibes from him..,

Friend: oh hello what's wrong with u, why are u speaking like this, one sec are u jaelous..,

Vansh don't know what to speak..,,

Vansh: shut up, come let's find out..,

AJ and Pragya were walking in when Vansh suddenly comes infront of them and was about to collide with Pragya, she holds his hand and makes irritated face..,

Pragya: u, not again.. vansh I would have fell down..,

Vansh: aree chill yaar Pragya (she glares him) I mean Ma'am, Pragya Ma'am, woh woh I needed notes about yesterday's lesson..,

Pragya raises her eyebrow..,

Pragya: I heard someone wrong, what did u say notes and u, (laughs) what a joke, Akshat meet my worst student Vansh Raisinghania, who don't know S of studies is asking about study notes...,

AJ laughs while Vansh frowns a little..,

Vansh: Haan toh now I want to study, and u can't deny to give notes, u are my teacher..,

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